Principal's Greeting
August 6, 2024
Dear Glen Park School Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!!! I am so looking forward to welcoming our students and families back to school on August 19! Please read through this letter for important details about the first days of school.
New Staff and Other Changes for the new year: For the 24/25 school year, Mrs. Stamper will be back to teaching 2nd grade Spanish Biliteracy in room 2 and Mrs. Larin will be teaching 1st grade Spanish Biliteracy Class in room 3. Ms. Peinado will be teaching 3rd grade Spanish Biliteracy in room 9 and we are welcoming two teachers from Spain for our 4th and 5th grade classrooms. They will join Ms. Engel in 4th and Mr. Reyes in 5th and will support our Spanish Biliteracy students for their Spanish Language instruction for a portion of the day. Mrs. Phillips will be on maternity leave from the beginning of the year and our wonderful Ms. Shawn Maceira will be the teacher in Room 6 for 1st grade until Mrs. Phillips returns.
A few first-day logistics:
- If you are driving, arrive in plenty of time to find parking. PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN BUS ZONES ON EITHER SIDE OF THE BUILDING—indicated by white paint on the curb and/or orange cones
- The school day starts at 8:40 sharp, so come a few minutes early. The yard will be supervised starting at 8:20 am. We will have clap-in on the yard before going to classrooms, and we ask that adults stand behind students and not walk into the building with classes.
- All grades, K-5, meet their teachers in the big yard on the Brompton side—look for the sign with your child’s teacher’s name and room number. If you are not sure what class your child is assigned to, visit one of the Big Blue help tables in the Brompton yard.
- If you need to complete registration, have questions about ParentVUE, ParentSquare, the After School Program, the Multi Purpose Family Income Form, the Emergency Form, school lunch, or other questions, please make your way to one of the Big Blue help tables set up in the Brompton yard.
- School ends at 2:55 every day except Wednesday, when it ends at 1:40. At this time, teachers will bring 1st - 5th grade students to the big yard on Brompton for dismissal to their parents, the After School Program, or the school bus. Kinder students, and sibling groups with a Kinder student, will be dismissed to families from the K yard (and will be delivered to the school bus or After School Program as needed). Please meet your child(ren) at the gate, which is on Lippard between Joost and Bosworth for Kinder pick up.
- If you are sending your child with a snack or lunch, keep in mind our district and school healthy foods guidelines and choose alternatives to soda, candy, or chips. Also, we are asking that all families avoid sending nuts and nut products as we have several students in more than one grade with severe nut allergies.
- The beginning of the school year is always a busy transition—and often an emotional one. A good night’s sleep, a healthy breakfast, and a few encouraging words will go a long way towards providing children (and adults!) a positive experience during the first days of school.
Supplies: We will provide the basic school supplies for our classrooms including: crayons,
pencils, markers, glue, scissors, dry erase markers, paper, composition books, home/school
communication folders, rulers, colored pencils, folders, highlighters, post-it notes, Kleenex,
and more. We are very appreciative of any donations you may be able to make to supplement
our basic supplies. Your child’s teacher will communicate directly to you regarding specific
classroom needs.
Parent Involvement: Please know that we welcome your participation. If you are a carpenter,
builder, homemaker, engineer, doctor, designer, cook, translator, etc. please let us know. Our
teachers and parent groups will be in touch regarding how you can help our students and
programs. Watch for more information about our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), English
Learner Advisory Council (ELAC), African American Parent Advisory Committee (AAPAC),
School Site Council (SSC), and other opportunities for your voice and gifts to contribute to our
school community.
There are far more details than can be shared in one letter. For more information, please visit
ParentSquare and look at the files that are shared there, as well as our websites: and If you
need help getting on ParentSquare, please email
A few reminders:
● If you have questions about registration or requirements for starting school, please
email Elizabeth Nuñez at or call 415-469-4713 before August 19.
● Please complete the emergency form included with this letter and return it to school
with your child on August 19. We need these updated, paper forms for our emergency
protocols. The emergency contact information in ParentVUE is also important to
update each year.
I’m looking forward to a year of social, emotional, physical, artistic, and academic growth for
the children and adults in the Glen Park Community. Go Glen Park!
Most sincerely,
Elizabeth Zarr, MA Ed.
This page was last updated on August 18, 2024