The SFUSD Athletics Office is switching to an online digital format platform. Anyone wishing to try out for an Aptos sports team must now complete the process online by registering onto the Home Campus website, and completing the steps outlined there.
Aptos Home Campus Instructions ENG | Español | 中文 .
Aptos School Athletics Link to this section
The mission of the Athletic Department here at Aptos Middle School is to aid in the academic, emotional, and physical development of our students through the promotion of teamwork, sportsmanship and athletic competition. Our athletic program is believed to be a valuable asset to the total overall education process. Research has shown that athletics at the middle school level helps to foster team building skills, problem solving skills, self discipline, and self confidence. Through the development of these skills it is believed that our student athletes will become confident, contributing members of the school community.
We participate in the San Francisco AAA League providing all 8 sports that are offered by our district. It is an honor and privilege to be a part of our athletic program. Therefore our students are expected to maintain higher than a 2.0 GPA, expected to represent our school in a positive manner on and off campus, and must be committed and dedicated.
Each sport’s season lasts about two - three months. All physical paperwork must be completed, signed and turned in by the day of tryouts. All grade levels are welcomed and highly encouraged to tryout for as many teams as they would like. Uniforms are provided but if lost the student athlete is responsible for paying to replace it. Practices can be before or after school and will be determined by the coach. Students will miss some class to participate in games so they are responsible for making up any missed classwork, test, or assignments.
For further information about the leagues, schedules, and standings, please visit the CIFSF.ORG website.
Aptos Athletic Competitions Link to this section
Please check out the Aptos Public Calendar for all other events.
Aptos Track - tba
Aptos Girls' Volleyball - tba
Required Forms to Participate in SFUSD Athletic Teams Link to this section
Message from Aptos Athletic Director
1. All athletes must have their doctor fill out the Student Physical Form (aka Pre Participation Physical Form).
Student Physical Form (Needs to be reviewed and signed by a Doctor/Physician)
2. Register on Home Campus (Aptos Home Campus Instructions English | Espanol | 中文)
3. Follow the steps and fill out the rest of the required documents.
4. Upload physical and confirmation Forms to Home Campus.
If you have any questions, please contact Aptos Athletic Director, Gabriel Haas haasg1@sfusd.edu.
This page was last updated on August 28, 2024