Moscone serves our diverse student body with programs in Chinese, Spanish and English Language Development.
We focus on a rigorous academic program emphasizing language arts, math, science and social studies, balanced with performing and visual arts.
Academics at Moscone Link to this section
Moscone is one of the only SFUSD elementary schools that offers English only, Spanish Biliteracy, and Cantonese Biliteracy programs under the same roof. Our team of collaborative and dedicated educators design rigorous academic programs that emphasize the Common Core standards as well as socio-emotional learning to nourish the whole child.
We infuse socio- emotional learning, technology, and performing and visual arts with the core curriculum to provide a well-rounded educational experience that attends to the needs of each and every child. We prepare our students to be multilingual critical thinkers and the leaders of tomorrow.
Biliteracy Pathway K – 5th grade Link to this section
Spanish Bilingual & Cantonese Bilingual Link to this section
In the Biliteracy Pathway, students develop proficiency, literacy and academic competency in both English and the student’s primary language. As of August 2015, our programs now provide instruction in Spanish and Chinese kindergarten through 5th grade.
English Language Development K – 5th grade Link to this section
Intensive English Program Link to this section
Provides English Language Learners with the opportunity to acquire English and to access the core curriculum. All instruction is provided in English.
This page was last updated on September 16, 2024