Welcome Sharks!
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Welcome to Sherman Elementary School! We are very excited that you and your child are joining our community. We think you will find that Sherman is a dynamic and vibrant place with dedicated teachers and a warm supportive parent community ready to welcome you and your child. Below you will find information that will help you have a successful transition.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out at info@shermanschool.org
Key Dates Link to this section
The first day of the fall semester is Monday, August 19th, 2024. A link to the official SFUSD calendar can be found here.
School starts at 7:50am. All Kindergarten students should have a backpack, a folder, lunch bag / snack, and extra clothing that can stay at school with their names labeled on everything (accidents do happen!). There’s nothing else you need to prepare ahead of the first day, your child’s teacher will let you know anything else you may need to provide.
Please save the dates and consider joining us for the following welcome events:
Friday, March 22 @ 9:00 am | School Tour - for anyone who hasn't had a chance to tour the school, or would like another opportunity to have a look. | Please RSVP |
Thursday, May 16 @ 3:00 - 4:30 pm | New family orientation - provides an opportunity to meet Principal Parker Leigh, our kindergarten teaching staff, and tour the kindergarten classrooms. Students entering older grades are also welcome. | Sherman Garden |
Sunday, August 11 @ 2:00 - 4:00 pm | Summer playdate 1 | Moscone Playground |
Saturday, August 17 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm | Summer playdate 2 | Lafayette Playground |
Monday, August 19 @ 7:50 am | First day of school and Welcome Coffee | Sherman Garden |
Stay Connected Link to this section
SharkNet is Sherman’s internal website, also known as an “intranet.” It is a “wiki” site, meaning that any Sherman community member with password-protected access may modify the site. It is the tool families, volunteer coordinators, and staff use to communicate internal updates, events, and volunteer needs at the school.
SharkNet is only accessible for current Sherman families, new families will be able to register in August. Please complete the New Family form in order to get your individualized login.
It is important to keep your email address updated on this site as it is used to “broadcast” messages to you quickly (especially in cases of school-wide emergency), and send reminders when something is just around the corner.
What you can expect to find on SharkNet:
- Front page info on the most current school news
- School calendar of events
- Home pages for each classroom
- Directory of family contact information
- News and announcements
- Volunteer opportunities
- Fundraising info and ways to support the school
NOTE: Access to this site is for the use of current Sherman families and staff only. Directory information is strictly for school-related purposes. SharkNet is self-regulated; look for SharkNet trainings offered in the fall.
After School Program Link to this section
Sharks Until Dark (SUD) is the name for our afterschool program at Sherman Elementary. The program runs on the Sherman campus immediately following the end of the school day to 6:00pm, five days a week. SUD offers a variety of after school classes that all our students are able to participate in. We focus on STEM, Arts, Outdoor Education, Cooking, Recreation, and Social Emotional Learning.
Enrollment for the 2023/24 school year is not yet open, and will likely open towards the end of the current school year. Once open, registration is on a first-come-first-serve basis, however the Kinder program does not typically have a waitlist. Please indicate your interest to be notified about enrollment in the New Family form.
Sharks Until Dark also runs a Summer Program that accepts incoming Kinders, which is now open for enrollment. If you would like to apply, please follow the link and steps below:
- Go to application website: https://bacr.force.com/afterschool/s/login/
- Create an Account (if you have an account already, please log in)
- Select New Registration
- Select Sherman Elementary (SFUSD), Summer 2024
Please reach out to Program Coordinator Marta Walsh with any questions - mwalsh@bacr.org.
The afterschool program at Sherman is administered by Bay Area Community Resources.
Learn more at Sharks Until Dark’s website: https://www.sharksuntildark.com.
Cost: Sliding scale, and scholarship rates are available.
Frequently Asked Questions
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What day does school start? What time? Where do we go when we get there?
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 16, 2023. School starts promptly at 7:50 a.m. with Morning Assembly in the Middle Yard (unless it is raining in which case go straight to your classroom). Parents and guardians are encouraged to join their children at Morning Assembly (which typically lasts about 5 minutes) all year long!
What if I can’t come inside the school to drop off my child?
Sherman has a safe and efficient morning drop off system called Stop Drop & Go at the main (Union Street)
entrance to the school. Just drive up as far as possible in the white zone and Sherman parent/guardian volunteers will help your child out of the car. The white zone is designed for driving straight on Union across Franklin to keep traffic moving. Do not park or wait in your vehicle in the Union Street White Zone during drop-off/pick-up hours- this is a drive through zone. Also please do NOT drop off children on Green Street or at
the parking lots on Franklin. There is no one stationed there to ensure your child’s safe entry into school.
Please notice the no left turn sign at the intersection of Franklin and Union during certain times of the day.
How do I know what classroom my child will be in?
A few days prior to the start of school you will receive a letter from the principal. IMPORTANT: The
address label on the envelope will state your child’s room number and the letter inside will provide the name of the teacher. Be sure to SAVE the envelope so you have your child’s homeroom number! Assignments will also likely be posted on SharkNet the Friday afternoon before school starts.
What should my child bring on the first day?
A backpack large enough for an 8.5 x 11 folder, a bottle of water, and a snack for recess. If your child will be using the meal service, you don't need to register, you can view the menu here https://www.schoolcafe.com. Children are welcome to bring their lunch some days and use the meal service other days. Please be sure to label all lunch boxes, water bottles, and clothing (Buy Mabel's Labels & raise money for Sherman). Kindergarten teachers also recommend an extra set of clothes for your child (underwear, socks, pants & shirt) in a bag to be left in the classroom (with name clearly labeled on the bag and each item). Your teacher may also distribute a list of recommended or requested school supplies during the first week of school. If possible, please try to bring these items within the first two weeks of school.
What if my child is apprehensive; may I go to their classroom with them?
Yes, for the first week of school, Kindergarten parents and guardians may accompany their children to the classroom. You are always invited and encouraged to join the whole school in the middle yard for morning assembly on a daily basis. After the first week, however, you are encouraged to leave your child with their teacher in the middle yard after Morning Assembly or at Stop, Drop and Go on Union Street.
When does school end and how do I pick up my child?
School ends at 2:05pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and every Wednesday, an early release day, ends at 12:50pm. Pick-up occurs outside of the main entry on Union Street. You may either find street parking (not in the white zone!) and come get your child, or drive through the white zone for pick up, similar to morning drop off (line wraps up Gough Street). Please inform your child’s classroom teacher if your child will attend Sherman’s afterschool program (Sharks Until Dark), another afterschool program off campus, or if you or another caregiver will be picking up your child on Union Street. For your safety, please do not jaywalk across Union Street to pick up your child. We have crossing guards on Gough and Franklin Streets to help you cross safely.
What paperwork do I need to provide for my child to start school?
Please review, complete and promptly return all of the paperwork that you received when you registered your child at the school. If you are unsure of what is needed, please check with Ms. Agnes in the main office. Though the district changes the requirements from time to time, our understanding is that parents typically need to provide certain immunization records and a record of a California based pediatrician visit within 6 months prior to starting school. Additionally, we request that all families fill out a SharkNet Roster Form so that they can be included in our password-protected school roster and class directory, have access to all of the valuable information on SharkNet, and receive important school and PTA communications via email.
Does Sherman offer after school programs? When do I need to sign up?
Sherman’s aftercare program, Sharks Until Dark (SUD) or “Sharks”, runs every day that school is in session. SUD is managed by Bay Area Community Resources and contracted annually with the district. Find out more and register online at Sharks Until Dark.
How can I meet other families and get involved in the school from the start?
Please try to attend the summer playdates hosted by current Sherman families at local playgrounds in August. Fill out and return the roster form to make sure we have current contact info for you and can send you reminders when it gets closer! Additionally, the PTA will host informal morning coffees for parents and guardians after drop-off from 8-9 am on the first day of school and the next two Fridays after drop-off. During these coffees, you can mingle with other parents, become a PTA member, meet aftercare staff, and hopefully get all of your questions answered. You can also sign up for some of our volunteer committees (events! fundraising! communications! diversity & inclusion! garden! library! technology! art! room parents! auction! etc.). “Diving in” and getting involved from the start is the best way to feel connected to our wonderful community.
What is SharkNet and do I really need to register for it?
The Sherman community uses our password-protected intranet, SharkNet, for most parent communication. In early August (and not before), if you have provided us with your contact information/email address, you will receive an invitation to create a personalized login in August. Classroom assignment information will also likely be posted on SharkNet a few days before school starts. If you have trouble with SharkNet, please email sharknet@shermanschool.org.
What if I forget everything you’ve told me here or have more questions? Is there anyone I can call or email over the summer with questions?
Yes! Please contact pta@shermanschool.org and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
This page was last updated on March 18, 2024