Cantonese Biliteracy


Cantonese Biliteracy Teachers

Kindergarten Hannah Liu
1st Grade Faith Lau
2nd Grade Margie Yu
3rd Grade Elizabeth Lee
4th Grade Judy Cheng
5th Grade Karen Yu

Students Served

  • K-5 students whose home language is Cantonese
  • Bilingual students who speak both English and Cantonese

Language Instruction

Instruction similar to Dual Language Instruction (DLI) but designed for potential English learners who are native speakers of Cantonese.

Pathway Eligibility   

  • Students applying for Kindergarten or 1st grade whose home language is Cantonese.
  • Students in grades 2-5 who are currently not in Dual Language Immersion or Biliteracy must be assessed and demonstrate grade level proficiency in the Cantonese.

This page was last updated on June 5, 2023