Technology & Digital Literacy

Technology & Digital Literacy

All classrooms use technology to assist in instruction, but it is a gradual progression for rolling out technology skills.  There is limited technology use by the children in kindergarten and first grade, and our Literacy/Math specialist will use it on a case-by-case basis with direct service intervention for kids at all levels.  

McKinley has 30 iMacs that make up our computer lab in the library, where the 2nd – 5th graders can work on research and deepen their computer skills, access the library's online catalog and informational databases, and learn about cyber-safety.  In addition to this stationary computer lab, all classrooms have shared access to two mobile computer labs that each consist of a classroom set of Chromebooks. These mobile labs enable computer use by all students in two classrooms simultaneously. Each classroom also has an additional 5 Chromebooks that stay in the classroom. 

Starting in third grade, classrooms use computers weekly for keyboarding skills and word processing, to do research for classroom and library projects, and for teachers to support and enhance their curricula using technology.  

We are also integrating digital literacy into our instruction, especially in the upper grades, so that kids learn about their digital footprint and the impact of social media.

This page was last updated on November 7, 2023