The Breakfast Project is a non-profit food education program serving the students of Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy, a public elementary school in the heart of San Francisco’s Castro District.
We integrate hands-on cooking and garden-based learning into the fabric of school life, connecting students more deeply to their own bodies, each other, and their local communities.

Children are capable and competent. They gain important life skills when working with real tools and real ingredients.
Children deserve not only to be fed, but to be nourished. We exercise our right to eat joyfully and healthfully.
Food is community. Breaking bread with our neighbors strengthens bonds within our school and becomes a force for good in the wider world.

Our school-day Edible Social Studies program is designed to help students make a personal connection to the arc of human history and culture. Each grade-level unit is aligned with the California Department of Education’s History Social Science Framework.

From learning in kindergarten about what healthy bodies need to survive and thrive to eating our way through the history of San Francisco in third grade to considering how our food choices affect climate change in fifth grade, cooking and eating together is a powerful way to bring the academic content standards to life.
This page was last updated on November 7, 2022