Fall 2018 After-School Enrichment Classes Link to this section
The Fall 2018 after-school enrichment classes start the week of September 10-14! Do not wait for confirmation. If you paid, your child is registered.
If your child is registered in a class, please check the relevant flier to see the class schedule for the rest of the term, as some classes may skip a week or finish a week earlier or later than the others: Cartooning, Chess, Chorus, French, Tinkering, Tree Frog Treks, Chinese, and Girls on the Run.
All teachers, the Main Office, and the after-school childcare programs are given a list of students who are enrolled in enrichment classes. When the school day ends, enrichment program staff members collect kindergartners from the K Yard and collect students in grades 1 through 5 from the yard just outside the Main Office. After class, enrichment program staffers walk the students who participate in after-school childcare to aftercare and ensure that all other students are picked up by parents or other authorized adults.
For questions about particular classes, please contact the programs directly as listed on the fliers.
For questions about the after-school enrichment program generally, please contact jeffersonenrichmentprogram@gmail.com.
This page was last updated on June 12, 2019