Wellness Resources for TCS Families
Resources List
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CA COVID-19 Rent Relief
Here is a link to get help with rent: https://housing.ca.gov/covid_rr/index.html
You can change the language, click the "select language" button on the top right corner.
La Voz Latina
For Spanish-speaking families:
Are you in need of economic relief? Not sure what is available to you?
Visit La Voz Latina (456 Ellis Street) on Thursdays, noon-2pm or Fridays, 2-4pm for free drop-in consultation with Diego Aguilar-Canabal. No appointment necessary.
For questions, call Diego at (650) 409-6573
Food Resources
Trouble finding or affording food?
Go here to free and low-cost food resources in San Francisco
Get help. Call 311 in any language 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact
SFUSD Grab & Go Meals
SFUSD will provide meals to students 18 and under during school closure.
TCS has a significant enough ratio of free/reduced cost meal eligible students that SFUSD qualifies all our students for free meals.
Although all our students are eligible to receive free meals, we strongly encourage families to complete the Multipurpose Family Income Form (MFIF) through SchoolCafe.
All SFUSD students can pick up meals at any SFUSD Grab & Go meal distribution site:

Meals will only be provided for students (i.e. no family meal bags). Families must provide the student’s barcode for their meal account when picking up meals. Each student’s barcode was mailed to households. For families that did not receive their barcode, or need assistance, please contact:
Student Nutrition Services
Phone: 415-749-3604
Email: SchoolLunch@sfusd.ed
Free Meals Program in the Tenderloin
The program is for pick-up only and for people who make less than $75,000 per year.
Text "FIND A MEAL" or "COMIDA" to 415-599-8727.
SF Marin Food Bank - Food Pantry
NEW every Monday, starting September 28th: FOOD PANTRY from 9am-1pm at 357 Ellis Street. Fast and seamless registration can be done ON THE SPOT! If you don't have an ID, you can talk to a Food Bank staff member for assistance.
Here are flyers in English, Spanish, Arabic and Vietnamese.
English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11DhhUtw89R301HqHZx8f2GdQDyYsdavq/view?usp=sharing
Spanish: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rvFta8lZrLHUFMVCFC6MewUSMlqQdOAh/view?usp=sharing
Arabic: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18HIUgKo-XGBD7PflDT9xdU-KbNIoQ393/view?usp=sharing
Vietnamese: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rpiv9lLOEuXBu-gLVmIaB2wTAwYeedlB/view?usp=sharing
Glide Food Distribution
Every Friday at 1 pm, Glide has food distribution for families; they do not have to be enrolled in the Glide program as it is for the families in the community. Food distribution ends when all the boxes have been given out. They also have diapers and formulas however, families must first register with the Glide family resource center to receive them. The line gets pretty long and they run out fairly quickly so it is recommended that families line up earlier; children do not have to be present in order to receive a box.
Glide address is 434 Ellis Street between Jones and Leavenworth.
Community Hubs
The Department of Children, Youth and Families and the SF Recreation and Parks Department are developing Community Hubs to open on September 14.
Community Hubs will provide support for close to 6,000 students who are utilizing the SFUSD Distance Learning Curriculum. City officials are prioritizing low-income families, children in public housing or the foster care system, homeless youth, and others in living situations that make remote learning particularly challenging.
At first, the hubs will to students in kindergarten through sixth grade, a group that has lower rates of COVID-19 infection. Officials will consider making the hubs available to older students. They will operate five days a week during ordinary school hours and will be staffed by experienced nonprofits and other organizations.
Registration for the Community Hubs will run August 15 through September 4.
Two step process to apply and register:
Step One:
Complete the interest form at: https://www.dcyf.org/info
Step Two:
Community Based Organizations will outreach and enroll eligible families (HOPE SF Residents, Public Housing Residents, SRO Residents, Foster Care Youth, Homeless Youth, African American Youth, Latinx Youth, Pacific Islander Youth, Low-Income Asian Youth, English Language Learners) once registration opens August 24.
Parents/guardians will complete a Community Learning Hub application.
DCYF will review and prioritize based on additional criteria (Multi-system involved, No internet access, No digital learning device).
If eligible and space is available, an acceptance notification will be sent that must be signed and returned to complete registration and enrollment, and secure your space.

TCS Wellness Center
Please visit the TCS Wellness Center website at the link below.
This page was last updated on June 3, 2021