Please watch this video about our COVID-19 Protocol when our students are sick.
How Families Can Prepare
Learn about how you can prepare for your student's return to in-person learning.
Return Safely Together Link to this section
Learn more about SFUSD's plans for a return to in-person learning or download the Return Safely Guide for Families (Español | 中文 | عربي | Gagana Sāmoa | Filipino | Tiếng Việt).
Health and Safety Guidelines
Here are some measures you can take to help slow the spread of COVID-19 when we return to in-person learning.
This video is also available in Español, 中文, Tagalog, Gagana Sāmoa, Tiếng Việt, and عربي.
Get Help Link to this section
Technology Resources for Families Link to this section
Visit to get support with district technology.
Student and Family Resource Link Link to this section
Fill out a form, call, or email Student and Family Resource Link to reach content experts from district departments.
Students and families can access the Student and Family Resource Link in three ways:
- Go to to complete an online request form
- Email request at
- Call 415-340-1716 *
*Hours of operation for the phone will be Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. Phones will be closed on school holidays. Callers can still leave a voicemail at all hours.
This page was last updated on October 11, 2022