Frequently Asked Questions
What happens on the first day of school?
All students report to homerooms at 9:30 AM. 6th grade students: look for your name alphabetically, outside the main building, to identify your Homeroom class. New 7th and 8th graders, please go to the Main Office Lobby. All returning students: report directly to last year's Graduation Homeroom.
What happens on early release Wednesday?
Every Wednesday, school ends at 2:15. (Except select parent-teacher conference weeks). If you are enrolled in the after school program, it begins immediately in the cafeteria.
What supplies do they need the first day of school?
All students need to bring on the first day of school are comfortable clothes, the filled out paperwork in this envelope and lunch (if they are not going to be eating in the cafeteria). Free and reduced lunch will be honored. Teachers may give out additional supply lists during the first week of school.
Academics? Do students receive grades? What is a grading period? How much homework will they have?
Sixth graders will be each placed in a core set of classes Math, Science, Language Arts and Social Studies as well as an elective and P.E.. Your student will also be assigned to a Graduation Homeroom that meets twice a week on Mondays and Tuesdays at the beginning and end of the school year. Soon after school begins, students will be assigned to an Advisory Class that will meet in place of their Graduation Homeroom, details about how this is done will be explained to students shortly after the school year begins. Middle school student receive grades for each quarter (9 week cycles). Two quarterly grading periods = one semester. The district will mail report cards home. Homework will average a half hour to an hour per night, sometimes more, sometimes less.
What about electives? How does this work?
Students will choose one elective per school year; however, most 6th grade students will participate in an elective wheel, rotating to a different elective class at the beginning of each new grading period. Students have their elective class on Monday or Tuesday (depending on the week) and Wednesday through Friday.
Lunch? How does it work?
Three choices: (1) Hot Lunch from Revolution Foods (same as elementary school), (2) The Refresh line offers sandwiches, etc. or (3) students can bring a lunch from home. We encourage you to set up a payment account with your student receiving a PIN # (not the same as the Student ID #). Free-reduced lunch is also available. Visit the SFUD website for more information (click on the "Nutrition" tab on the left). Students eat inside or in the designated outside area. (And yes, we have lots of seagulls that circle the yard after lunch.) *PIN codes will be distributed and available from Homeroom teachers.
P.E.? How does it work?
Hoover has one of the top Physical Education (P.E.) departments in the district. Students have P.E. four days every week.
How does the school communicate with families?
To communicate with families more efficiently, we will continue to use School Messenger for texting and voice announcements; please be sure to opt in for this platform. To learn more about School Messenger, and/or for highlights, helpful tips, calendars, and events, visit the front page of the website weekly.
Is there an afterschool program?
Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center (SNBC) is the school's after school provider and offers a fee-based program five days a week. To apply or learn more information about the program, contact the main office.
I have a question about my student's progress in school, who should I contact?
Your student's subject teacher. You can call the school (415) 759-2783 or email the teacher. Alternatively, you can also contact your child's grade level counselor.
I have a general school concern, or my student has a school concern, who should I contact?
Contact your students's grade level counselor. You can call the school (415) 759-2783 or email your counselor. Refer to the grade level counselor assignment listed above.
My student has a question about a class assignment, who should I contact?
Encourage your student to establish a "homework buddy" at school, someone they can contact to confirm assignment details if they are confused. Some teachers are available directly after school for 10-15 minutes. Have your student establish with their teacher how to get support outside of class time. When your child receives their iPad, we encourage them to set up a Planner System in the Reminders app that comes pre-installed on the iPad. A folder should be created for each of the student's classes, it is then a simple procedure to record assignments, due dates, set periodic notifications (which can be site-based).
I need to contact my student, should I call their cell phone?
The use of all electronics for non-academic purposes is prohibited during the school day. If you need to get a message to your student, contact the Main Office: 415-759-2783. Students who need to call home may do so from the school's phone.
Wow Hoover is big. Are the kids safe? How do they make friends?
The 6th graders only take classes with other 6th graders and teachers use the first few weeks of school to help kids get to know each other and build a core-class bond. During lunch, when all students are together, staff are monitoring the yard at all times. If there is a concern, students are encouraged to contact their counselor or trusted adult. Another option for incoming 6th Graders to make friends is the free "Step Up" class offered the first week of summer vacation.
How do Student-Led Conferences work in Middle School?
Student-Led Conferences are held twice a year (October and February) through students' advisories.
Are there field-trips in Middle School?
Yes, Hoover holds several field trips throughout the school year. Some are organized based on academic subject matter, others are program-related (such as AVID), etc. Examples of annual grade level class trips include Exploratorium and the Fieldtrip to the Future, where every student visits a place of work or college! Parent chaperones are needed for grade level trips, please contact the family liaisons to volunteer your support.
How are sports teams formed?
P.E. help announce team tryouts during their class time. Your student will need to communicate this information with you. Try-outs and teams rosters are posted on the P.E. bulletin board. Practices are after school. Games are held all around the city and students will travel to games using MUNI. Students travel together as a group and are generally not escorted by a coach. Parents can arrange to pick up their student and transport them if they wish. All team communications should be directed to the team coach and/or the head of the P.E. department. For more information, refer to the page regarding Hoover Sports Teams in the dropdown menu above, under Students
How can parents stay involved? My student does not want me hanging around the school.
Research shows that middle school students perform better both academically and socially when parents stay engaged and involved. Consider joining the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization, aka Hoover Hawk Families), attending the regular meetings, and assisting in fundraising to support our school activities. Or, consider joining the SSC, ELAC, or Chinese Speaking or Latino Parent Groups. Our students need you to stay engaged with their school community and support their school activities. For additional ideas, see A Parents Guide to Surviving Middle School Page in the dropdown menu above, under Get Involved.
Do you have one last piece of advice?
Your student is growing up and that means a new sense of independence, learning to take responsibility and starting to navigate the world on their own. That said...parents need to stay connected and engaged with their student and the school. This is a big transition. Ask questions and reach out when needed. Don't be shy.
This page was last updated on December 16, 2021