About Teacher Leader Fellowship Link to this section
The SFUSD Teacher Leader Fellowship strives to identify and develop strong teachers committed to equity-centered leadership, in order to...
Support teachers to create, foster and sustain equity-centered professional learning communities that will transform individual teacher practice and increase student success - impacting both student achievement and student experience.
Support teachers to develop as responsive facilitators for equity and social justice, able to lead professional development and change initiatives at their sites that are contextual, responsive, and strategic.
Toward the goal of... Link to this section
Ensuring all students have access to personalized, equitable and high performing schools that believe and demonstrate each student can, should and will succeed.
And ultimately...
Interrupting and transforming current and systemic educational inequities through a belief in grassroots change (ground up).
Voice & Beliefs Link to this section
| Theory of Action Link to this sectionStudent learning improves when teachers…
Being a Teacher Leader Fellow Link to this section
- Attend bimonthly Teacher Leader Fellow PLC meetings (one in person, one zoom).
- Participate in monthly meetings with your PLL coach.
- Recruit Teachers from your site to form a Lesson Study team.
- Lead a Lesson Study team at your site (two cycles of lesson study + fall/spring public research lessons).
- Support site-based professional learning and teacher leadership
- Demonstrate implementation of SFUSD core curriculum through your lesson study cycle.
- Agree to an open door policy to share best practices across the district.
- Establish a structure for ongoing communication with your principal and staff about goals, activities and connections between the Teacher Leader Fellowship and school’s PD Plan.
- Share your learning at the Professional Learning and Leadership End of Year Event.
Managing the Role
| ResourcesTeacher Leader Fellows will have access to resources including: substitute days, extended calendar hours, and materials based on the needs of their team. All resources are to be used for both Teacher Leader Fellows and the teachers with whom they work.
Professional DevelopmentTeacher Leader Fellows will participate in monthly professional development. Topics will include establishing, refining, and implementing an action plan; supporting colleagues through co-planning, co-teaching, observing, facilitating, and active listening, equity focused learning and sharing pedagogical approaches. |
Compensation Link to this section
- Extended hour pay for Teacher Leader PLC (monthly PLC)
- Up to 25 hours of extended hour pay for Teacher Leader and each member of their lesson study team (to conduct site lesson study)
- $2500 Stipend from the Quality Teacher and Education Act (Prop A) upon completion of the year-long commitment. The stipend includes compensation for preparation of public research lesson days, preparation to lead team meetings, and preparation for TLF PLC’s and End of Year Event.
TLF Selection Process Link to this section
Committee members conduct paper screening, classroom observations and interviews, and final identification of Teacher Leader Fellows.
- Current site-based teacher; teacher of record or site-based TSA
- Valid clear teaching credential in the appropriate subject matter/level
- Consistent Highly Satisfactory or Outstanding evaluations, reflected in administrator recommendation
- At least four full years of classroom teaching experience in SFUSD or other urban settings within the past seven years
- Familiarity with Common Core State Standards and SFUSD’s Core Curriculum
- Demonstrated history of success and evidence of consistently increasing student achievement for all students, especially students who are English learners, African-American, Latino, Pacific Islander, and students who have special needs
- Excellent subject matter knowledge and classroom management practices, as well as effective relationships with students and families
- Culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy
- Enthusiastic about supporting the professional learning of other educators
- Eagerness to learn and grow as an instructional leader
Prior experience in a mentor/coach/support role for teachers
Apply to Teacher Leader Fellowship Link to this section
Steps to Apply: Link to this section
1) Familiarize yourself with program structure by reading the information on this website.
2) Make a copy of each of the following forms, and fill them out completely:
- Application (1/4)
- Written Response (2/4)
- Colleague Recommendation (3/4)
- Administrator Recommendation (4/4)
3) Once all documents are complete, use the Google form below to submit them.

This page was last updated on September 11, 2024