JLMS Systems

Procedures and Systems at James Lick Middle School
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Cell Phone Policy

We are a NO CELL PHONE SCHOOL. All students will receive a Yondr pouch in the second week. All students are expected to:


  • Bring their Yondr pouch everyday
  • Lock their cell phone in their Yondr pouch
  • Keep their phone/Yondr safe in their pocket or backpack. Students are responsible for phones they bring
  • Unlock their yondr pouch at dismissal 


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If students forget their Yondr pouch:

  1. They will receive a loaner pouch for a day & receive a warning
  2. Parents will be contacted the second time 
  3. Students will complete community service during lunch the 3rd time and beyond

If students lose their Yondr pouch, they must get a new one by:

  1. Paying $20 to the office staff
  2. Doing community service for a lunch period

If students have their cell phone out of their pouch during the school day:

  1. Their phone will be confiscated and caregivers will be called
  2. Parents are required to pick up their student’s phone each time it is confiscated 
  3. If it is a repeated offense, we will invite families to our school to discuss a support plan

This has been a very positive policy the past four years that has decreased distractions among the day, drama connected to social media, and has also encouraged our students to play at lunch. 

Guardians will be sent a Yondr Contract that lays out the rules for you to sign. We ask families to help inform us whether or not your student will be bringing a phone to school daily. 

Locker Policy

If students are interested in a locker, they can apply by completing a contract and getting a parent signature. They will receive an application during the first week of school. 

Chromebook Policy

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We are a 1:1 chromebook school!

All incoming 6th students from SFUSD will use their same chromebook from elementary school. Students new to SFUSD will receive a chromebook the first week of school. Any students returning to JLMS will receive a new chromebook.  

Students are expected to bring their chromebook to school everyday and fully charged. Students are responsible for their chromebook, including for damages of any kind, lost or stolen chromebooks, or other external damage. 

If student needs a new computer, the following will happen before receiving a new one

  • 1st time - Phone call home 
  • 2nd time - Parent meeting, a week of morning community service & sign a contract
  • 3rd time - Parent meeting, 2 weeks of morning community service & sign a contract 

Technical issues for chromebooks will replaced with no consequence, such as no longer charging, not turning on, etc. 

Dress Code

We do not have uniforms at JLMS and follow the SFUSD dress code policy. 


Students should come to school with appropriate clothing according to the policy, which includes:


  • Shoes with a closed toe and a heel
  • Clothing free of inappropriate language or images

Clothing that conceals undergarments

Schedule Change Policies

Restorative Practices

  • We believe in restorative practices at James Lick. This means we focus on learning from our mistakes rather than punishment. We encourage restoration and repairing harm. We respect and trust our teachers to support students who are struggling to meet expectations, and teachers will contact you to work in partnership and share interventions they plan to use to support students.
  • If a teacher has exhausted interventions, then they may write an office referral for students. This means a member of our support staff assisted with the incident at hand and the student was removed from the class. The teacher and support staff will inform a guardian if this happens.

What is Advisory?

  • Advisory is like a home base for students. It is a non academic class that is intended to give students a sense of community and belonging. Students stay with their teacher and group for all 3 years of middle school. Advisory teachers also act as the “point person” for your student, as they host Student Led Conferences in the Fall and Spring.
  • Advisory is focused on socio-emotional learning. Advisory teachers individually conference with their students weekly to do a check on their wellness and academics. Students complete a weekly reflection on their grades and will have time to work on assignments or other enriching activities. 
  • Extended Advisory is our weekly community building time. Students travel with their advisory to school assemblies, community meetings, or fun activities. It is also a time for students to go to study hall if they have fallen behind on their academics. 
  • Fridays during advisory is Reading Zone. Reading Zone is an opportunity for students to read a choice book. 

This page was last updated on February 4, 2025