ParentVUE is a tool to help families stay up-to-date about their students' progress in school. It will provide access to students' attendance, schedules, grade books, and report cards.

Each SFUSD school must have an elected School Site Council (SSC) to represent parents, students, community members and school staff in the school governance process. The SSC has a number of important responsibilities, including:
- Reviewing and analyzing student achievement data
- Gathering community input
- Helping develop the Academic Plan and the school site budget
- Monitoring the implementation of the plan and budget
SSC Member 2020 - 2021
Maria Del Carmen
Maite Figueroa
April Vigil
Tiarra Najera
Hattie Mae Breed
Sarah Martinez
Dao Van Quate
Eve Cheung
Jessica Leary
Christine Chin
Lucia Santis Romero
Lenar Ruiz

Junipero Serra English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC)
The purpose of the English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC) is to advise the principal, School Site Council and school staff on programs and services for English learners. Parents of English learners (ELs)
Together with other parents, staff and community members meet to learn about services and programs for English learners and offer advice to improve the education of ELs at our school.
Family Participation and Presence Makes a Difference
After School Program
This page was last updated on June 3, 2021