After School Success Club ( A.S.S.C)
Hello Families,
Welcome to our 2021/2022 Junipero Serra After School Success Club (ASSC). We will continue to offer enrichment programs, Physical recreation, and Academic support.
For the first week we will focus on getting to know each other, playing online educational games. Then we are prepared to start working with students on activities such as Art, STEM (Science, technology, Engineering, and Math) dance, soccer poetry and much more! Below are the links by grade level. We will begin the program at 3:45pm everyday…
A.S.S.C. Schedule
Kindergarten - 1st Grade (Ms. Tiara & Ms Gaby)
2nd - 3rd Grade (Ms. Wendy)
4th - 5th Grade (Ms Dorene)
Junipero Serra After School Success Club (ASSC). |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
2:30 p.m. |
1:30 p.m. |
2:30 p.m. |
2:30 p.m. |
2:30 p.m. |
6:00 p.m. |
6:00 p.m. |
6:00 p.m. |
6:00 p.m. |
6:00 p.m. |
Apply for A.S.S.C. Program
Please follow these steps to apply for Junipero Serra ES A.S.S.C Program:
1) Go to Application Website below:
2) Create an Account (If you have an account, please log into your account)
3) Select "New Registration"
4) Select Junipero Serra ES (SFUSD), ‘2020/2021 SY’
If you have any questions, please reach out to Cesar Hernandez chernandez@bacr.org or Elisa
Sanchez (Ms. Eli) esanchez@bacr.org

Out of School Time Program
Educate. Enrich. Discover.
Finding just the right after school program to keep your child engaged in between school and home can be a challenge. After all, you don’t want basic childcare while you’re working; you want to make sure your child is actually thriving. SFUSD’s Early Education Department launched the Out-Of-School Time (OST) Program to fill this need, helping children in transitional kindergarten (TK) through fifth grade use their free time by building on what they’ve learned during the school day, by developing new skills, and by discovering new interests.
We operate 79 classrooms at 21 sites with 2200 students throughout the city, cultivating a safe, high quality and culturally sensitive space for your child throughout the entire year – including spring and summer breaks and teacher in-service days. For your convenience, OST also provides busing between some of SFUSD’s elementary schools to program sites at our early education schools, and many of our OST sites are also located near public transportation hubs.
Link to Early Education Department Enrollment Forms and information
What is Out of School Time (OST)?
Link to this section
An SFUSD-run after school and full day youth development program. OST is part of the Early Education Division in San Francisco Unified School District and is administered by an Early Education Department Principal.
Who are the teachers in OST?
Our low ratio (1 staff for every 14 students) is led by a credentialed (licensed) SFUSD Teacher with classroom support provided by a District Paraprofessional
What is a typical day like in OST?
Out of School Time is a comprehensive after school and youth development program. The daily schedule reflects a balanced approach that supports the academic, social and emotional, and physical development of your child. One third of the day is spent on academic, instructional, and homework supports that are aligned to your child’s school day classroom teaching. In addition, the OST program provides Project-Based Learning experiences that extend the concepts and skills being taught through enriching and hands-on interactive teaching strategies. Lastly, one third of the day is centered around recreation that includes both structured play and free-choice.
When is OST offered?
OST is a full-year program. During the school year, we provide daily on-site academic, enrichment, and recreation for program participants until 5:30p.m. During Spring Break and Summer, we provide full-day care beginning at 7:30am until 5:30pm. Our break and summer programming consists of the same low teacher-to-child ratio and balanced activities centered around your child’s academic and physical growth.
How much does OST cost?
OST program has a sliding scale based on income and eligibility requirements. Because each family’s circumstances are unique, we invite you to meet with our Site Clerk to determine your family’s fee structure. Many of our families qualify for zero or low cost care.
What is included in the OST fees?
The cost of the program includes all of the academic, enrichment and recreational activities. In the summer the students also participate in field trips to city landmarks, museums, and parks. In addition, all meals (school year is snack and summer and breaks is breakfast, lunch and snack) are included in the program fees.
Who do I contact for enrollment?
You can register directly with the OST School Clerk at the site by emailing cc953@sfusd.edu.
This page was last updated on October 11, 2021