Visitors Policy Link to this section
All guests must sign in and receive a visitors pass. Remember to sign in at the front office each time you visit. If you wish to make an appointment with a teacher or staff person, please call in advance as we cannot guarantee that person will be available to speak at the time of your arrival.
Parents or visitors should not walk around the school unless they have a visitor's pass and an appointment.
Former students are NOT allowed on site during school hours while other students are on campus.
If you wish to visit a classroom, 24 hour advanced notice must be made.
Parking Near the School Link to this section
Students should always be dropped off on 17th and Church. Students should walk to the yard to enter the building.
Pick up may take place on Church Street at the end of the day.
White zones are for passenger loading and unloading during certain hours with a time limit of five minutes. Check nearby signs or stencils on the curb for effective hours. You must remain with the vehicle at all times (limited exceptions apply at preschools and hospitals).
Please be aware that there is a bus zone in front of the school. Pay attention to the sign posted, along with the time, to avoid receiving a ticket and having your car towed.
Family Support Link to this section

This page was last updated on October 28, 2023