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Hoover Overview Link to this section
Hoover Middle School, “Home of the Hawks” is a large school nestled below Hawk Hill in the West Portal District of San Francisco. Hoover is a Title 1 school (60+% low-income) and leverages Title 1 funds to support family connections, academic support in literacy, numeracy and 21st century skills to give our students the tools and experiences they will need to flourish in school and life.
Approximately 900 students come from across San Francisco to participate in our Language Immersion, Special Education, and General Education programs. Supported by a talented group of educators and a host of special programs, we aim to inspire our students through real-life exploration and authentic learning experiences. As a result, we hope our students become independently resourceful. Students learn collaboratively in vibrant classrooms where we balance technology, literacy, and hands-on learning focused on ensuring students are inspired and prepared for a pathway to college and career.
Our mission is guided by SFUSD's Vision 2025. We share a mission in which “Every day we provide each and every student the quality instruction and equitable support required to thrive in the 21st century.”
Our vision is to ensure that each and every student is successful in our school. Our teachers collaborate to develop engaging lessons and deep learning experiences. We support each student’s opportunity for academic and social-emotional growth by reflecting on best practices. As a community, we emphasize healthy leader-teacher-student relationships.
We align our beliefs, actions and decisions with SFUSD's Core Values: Student-Centered; Fearless; Unified; Social Justice; Diversity-Driven.
Location & Transportation Link to this section
Location: Hoover is located at 2290 14th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94116 at the corner of 14th Ave & Santiago St. It is tucked between the West Portal, Laguna Honda and South Inner Sunset neighborhoods on the western slope of Twin Peaks, with panoramic ocean views. Bus Schedules: Students can apply for school bus transportation through SFUSD. Learn more about SFUSD transportation options. MUNI: The 48 bus stops in front of Hoover and runs every 15 minutes. The L & M muni lines stop at West Portal Station which is just a five block walk from Hoover through a safe neighborhood. | ![]() |
School Schedule Link to this section
Hoover officially starts at 9:20am with the first class of the day beginning at 9:30am.
- School gates open at 8:30am and supervision begins at 9:00am.
- Starting at 9:00am, students may go to the cafeteria, LC (library), or school yard until the first class begins.
- Exception: Students with zero period P.E. may enter campus at 8:30am.
School ends at 4:00pm everyday except for Wednesday. On Wednesdays, school ends at 2:15pm.
Please see the bell schedule for a more detailed description of class times each day.
Academics & Electives Link to this section
Academics and College Readiness
Hoover is proud of our students’ academic success and our focus on implementing the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. We believe that it is vital our students leave us ready for high school and on track for college. All students participate in experiences that expose them to college and career possibilities as well as organizational and writing tools through AVID strategies.
AVID is a nationwide program that stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination and while some of our students engage in AVID classes, all students use AVID organization and writing strategies in their classes. To prepare students for a collaborative work culture, academic classes emphasize learning in cooperative groups, student discussions, hands-on projects and integrated use of technology.
English Learners, Special Education, & Technology:
- English Learners have a variety of pathways at Hoover as they gain proficiency in English. We offer English Language Development (ELD) classes and access to specially designed academic instruction in English in general education classes and/or ELD in our Advisory classes. Hoover has an active English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) for parents and improving students; fluency in English is a priority for the school. We also have an AVID class where English Learners set college going goals.
- Approximately 8% of Hoover’s student population receives Special Education services. Our staff provides an array of services to meet the needs of students Individualized Educational Plans. These services range from monitoring and consultation to small, Special Day classes with a high level of staff support.
- All students have access to district-issued chromebooks which aid in their ability to use technology as an educational tool. All of our students become fluent in Google Apps for Education and are becoming experts at using Google docs, spreadsheets and other apps to enhance learning.
New students will select classes upon enrollment in the spring. Classes will be filled according to preference and space. Note: Electives may change as SFUSD is undergoing a Middle School Redesign process.
6th Grade | 7th Grade Link to this section | 8th Grade Link to this section |
STEAM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Art, Math) Visual Arts ELD Based on English Proficiency | Music: Band, Orchestra or Chorus STEAM Musical Theater (audition) Coding (Computer Science) Visual Arts Media Production & Yearbook AVID & AVID Excel (for Long Term EL) ELD based on English proficiency Chinese or Spanish Language Arts | Music: Band, Orchestra or Chorus STEAM Musical Theater (audition) Coding (Computer Science) Visual Arts Media Production & Yearbook AVID Teacher's Assistant ELD based on English proficiency Chinese or Spanish Language Arts |
* We are reviewing and adapting our course work for Language Immersion to ensure students have access to a balance of electives and language. Students in Language Immersion will take Social Studies in their target language (either Spanish or Chinese). Offerings may change slightly in the future for the language immersion elective course. If students who are enrolled in Language Immersion want to take an additional elective, they can take zero period PE. |
Spanish & Chinese Immersion Programs Link to this section
The Immersion Program includes a Chinese or Spanish Language class and a core class in Chinese or Spanish. Currently, our Chinese and Spanish Immersion core class is in Social Studies.
- To register for Immersion, you must sign up for this program on your school application and be part of a Chinese or Spanish Immersion program in elementary school OR have a passing score on language test given through EPC.
- If a student wants to leave (or enter) the program he/she must reapply to Hoover with a SFUSD application at Educational Placement Center. The student will not be guaranteed placement at Hoover.
- Students enrolled in immersion do not have room in their schedule to take an elective. If they would like to take an elective, they can take Physical Education during Zero Period (before school).
Sports Teams, Clubs, & Service Learning Opportunities Link to this section
SPORTS: Hoover offers boys baseball, girls softball, boys and girls basketball, boys and girls soccer, boys and girls volleyball and co-ed track. Go Hawks!
STUDENT CLUBS: Hoover’s PTSA funds a wide variety of clubs that usually occur at lunch. Some examples include Minecraft Mondays; Gay Straight Alliance; Soccer Club; Baseball Club; Book Club; Math Counts; Super Smash brothers; and more.
SERVICE LEARNING: We believe that a vital part of preparing to succeed in a global world is learning through contribution and service. Students must participate in a minimum of ten hours throughout their three years at Hoover to participate in extra promotional activities at the end of 8th grade.
Student & Family Support Services Link to this section
Led by the Assistant Principal of Student Support Services, our Counseling Office is staffed by three grade level counselors, a head counselor, full time social worker, half-time nurse, full-time Community Health Outreach Worker and secretarial staff. The counseling staff sponsors school wide safety, community, and anti-bullying events regularly throughout the year. Students also receive lessons on positive relationships through curriculum on social-emotional learning through classes. Families have access to information on grades through ParentVue and important dates and announcements by viewing We are committed to the safety of our students and have four security guards who monitor the school throughout the day in addition to providing lunchtime clubs. |
Beacon & After-School Programs Link to this section
Bay Area Community Resources (BACR)/Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center (SNBC) is the community partner that coordinates and supports both school day and after-school programming. To participate in Hoover’s After-School Program, click here to begin your application. All students are eligible to participate. The ASP coordinator will accept applications in the order in which it was received online . ASP runs Wednesdays from 2:15pm - 5:30pm and all other days from 4:00pm - 7:00pm.
Spring Open House Link to this section
Students and families who receive enrollment letters for Hoover are invited to attend our virtual Spring Open House. The Open House typically takes place in late April. Please continue to check the website for details.
This page was last updated on August 8, 2024