| Class | Teacher | Description |

| Art | Whittington | Express yourself through art-making! We will draw, paint, collage, sculpt, photograph, make videos (& more!) with a focus on healing art for social change in our communities. Let's DREAM, imagine, and create a better world together! |

| AVID | Espy | Get ready for college! Learn study skills to help prepare you for success! |

| Band | Hurlbut | Ever want to learn how to play a real music instrument? Here's your chance! In this class you will learn how to play SEVERAL instruments- not just one. It WILL be challenging, but fun. LOTS of fun! We will also learn how to produce a track, music history, AND music theory! |

| Baseball | Calloway | Learn the game and play baseball! |

| Biking | Delfino | Learn about bike riding, helmet safety, repairs and maintenance, how to care for a bike, etc. Don’t need to know how to ride – you will learn! |
 | Flag Football | | Learn football strategy, skills, and get support with your academics |

| Health | Anielski | Learn about health and wellness and participate in activities that promote your own health and wellness. |

| Mandarin | Song | Grow your Mandarin skills! Open to 6th graders who were in the bilingual class in elementary school and 7th graders who were in the class last year. |
 | Mastering Cultural Identity | Espy | Learn about culture, race, identity, and society. |

| Peer Resources | Tamar | Do you want to fight racism and homophobia? Are you good at helping people solve their problems? Can you be a role model? ✊ Join Peer Resources and fight for Social Justice! ✊ |
 | Yearbook and Journalism | | Develop our school yearbook and report on news stories around campus |
| Volleyball | Butcher | How to play the game of volleyball and be a team player. |
This page was last updated on May 9, 2024