About Hoover's PTO Link to this section
Our PTO (Parent Teacher Organization), Hoover Hawk Families, would like to welcome each of you to the Hoover community!
What we are:
Hoover Hawk Families is Hoover's parent support group for Hoover Clubs, field trips, teacher-led special activities, 8th grade graduation, family education nights, and special projects around our school. Through fundraising and parent involvement, we are working hard to make your child’s experience at Hoover as positive as possible. But we need your help and support!
What we need:
- Cash money is best. Our goal is a tax-deductible donation of $100 per family per year, but every donation is welcomed! Your donation will help keep Hoover as one of the most highly respected schools in the area. You can donate below and don’t forget to use your employer match, if that’s an option.
- Donate to the PTO with Paypal
- Your ideas, energy, and participation! Parent participation at middle school is different from elementary school, but there are so many ways you can help us make Hoover a richer, better place for all of our students. Please complete this form if you’re interested.
- Leadership in our PTO. There are no membership dues and any family with a student attending Hoover is automatically a member. We could use volunteers interested in leadership positions.
How To Get Involved Link to this section
- Volunteer at Hoover
- Assist with special events like BBQs, school events for students and families
- Office assistant, e.g. help make teacher copies for classes, prepare flyers, mailers, etc
- Chaperone Field Trips
- and More!
- School Committees & Groups to Get Involved
- ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee)
- PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization)
- Help your child:
- Contact with Teachers, tutors, etc.
- Discuss student's performance
- Help your child through middle school
- Help your child be ready for high school

Join the PTO

Donate to the PTO
This page was last updated on March 21, 2023