Flynn Academic Programs & Language Strands

Academic Programs and Language Strands Link to this section

Flynn offers a variety of academic and language programs. In each program, the academic standards are the same and all children learn the same skills and subjects.

English Plus Pathway (Also known as Academic English Language Development (AELD) Link to this section

This program is offered at all grades, kindergarten through fifth.  ELD teachers use academic English throughout the day and are specially trained to support all children, whether they speak English or another language at home, in developing strong academic English language skills.

Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Program (TWBI)   Link to this section

This program began at Flynn with the kindergarten class of 2004.  The TWBI Program uses Spanish 90% of the time to teach content in kindergarten and first grade, and gradually adds more English in the intermediate grades.  The TWBI classes are made up of children who speak English at home, who speak Spanish at home, and who are bilingual.  The goal of the program is for all of the  students to be bilingual and biliterate by the end of 5th grade.       

Special Education Program, Resource Specialist Program (RSP) Link to this section

Students who receive resource specialist services are enrolled in general education classrooms  (AELD or TWBI) at Flynn. They are provided with the appropriate accomodations to the core curriculum as outlined in the IEP by the Resource Specialist.

SOAR (Success, Opportunity, Achievement, Resiliency) Academy Link to this section

In 2013, SFUSD launched a research-based program called SOAR Academy, which stands for Success, Opportunity, Achievement, and Resiliency, designed specifically for students with a primary diagnosis of Emotional Disturbance.  The purpose of this program is to support their unique needs with targeted interventions in hopes of recovery.  With equity in mind, Flynn has implemented this program within an inclusion model, and all special education teachers work together as the greater SOAR Academy team.  This means all students are placed in a general education homeroom with their peers, and special education services are provided either within the general education classroom or in a special education classroom, as determined by their Individualized Education Program (IEP). 

This page was last updated on June 18, 2019