Assessments Link to this section
Assessments are an important part of Longfellow’s plan for high-quality teaching and learning, providing information to schools, teachers and parents as a gauge of students progress toward mastery of learning goals.
State Assessments Link to this section
State assessments are annual measures that provide a broad view of a student’s proficiency relative to grade-level standards. These summative assessments can provide a general sense of how students and schools are doing for families, school and district leaders and state policy makers. Families receive reports containing thier child’s state assessment results in the mail in late August each year:
State assessments include:
- Smarter Balanced/California Alternative Assessment in English Language Arts and Math (Gr 3-5)
- California Science Test (Gr 5)
- English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) for English Language Learners (Gr K-5)
- Physical Fitness Test (Gr 5)
District Assessments
SFUSD students participate in common district assessments in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. Common district assessments are one of many tools to monitor and support students toward mastery of grade-level content and skills. Families of students will receive student reports with scores from these assessments at Parent Teacher Conferences. Families will be provided translated reports containing their child’s district assessment results from teachers during Parent-Teacher Conferences each year.
District Assessments include:
- Reading: Assessment results provide information for monitoring a child’s progress and growth in reading across the school year and across grade levels: Fountas and Pinnel (Gr K-5) and Reading Inventory (Gr. 3-5)
- Writing. Students in grades 3-5 participate in the Integrated Writing Assessment by early february each school year. During this assessment, students read texts, and then identify and synthesize important details from their reading to write an informative essay. Assessment results provide information to teachers to design whole, small group and individualized instruction that supports students in becoming proficient writers.
Mathematics. As part of the curriculum, students (Gr K-5) participate in Math Milestone tasks. These are constructed response tasks in which students solve a series of math problems, showing their work and explaining their response.
Link to this section
Family Resources
- Standards Based Report Cards (SBRC)
- F&P Family Guides with details regarding characteristics of text, and ways to support children at home:English, Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino,
- Information for families on the Integrated Writing Assessment. English, Spanish, Chinese.
- Click here for Sample Assessment Reports for Families.
This page was last updated on July 30, 2020