Elective Classes
Students attend elective class everyday. Unless specified, electives are one semester and students change electives after winter break.
Additionally, Marina offers three Zero Period (8:35am) electives, Chorus, Guitar and Advanced Math.

AVID: Advancement Via Individual Determination
AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.
What does this look like at Marina? For 6th Graders are eligible for a single semester class, helping them establish organization systems, set short and long term goals, learn to check in on academics, and more. In 7th and 8th Grade, AVID can be a full year elective for chosen students (see your counselor for more information).

Visual Art
Visual Art at Marina is taught in a beautiful, light filled room with gorgeous views all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge.
Students use a variety of materials to explore art periods and the ideas and language used to describe that period. Artists and artistic movements are considered and ways to merge them to create new ideas and modern expressions.

Arabic Language & Culture Class
Marina introduced a new elective starting in the 2019-2020 school year, Arabic Language & Culture! This class will go deep into history, culture, and language, and is taught by Mr. Fan.
Elective Classes Link to this section
6th Grade Electives:
- Visual Art
- Computer Science
- Health
- Beginning Band and Orchestra (year long)
- Arabic Language and Culture
7th Grade Electives:
- Visual Art
- Video Media Arts
- Computer Science
- Introduction to Spanish (not available during 2020-2021 school year)
- Intermediate Band and Orchestra (year long)
- Arabic Language and Culture
8th Grade Electives:
- Visual Art
- Video Media Arts
- Creative Writing
- Computer Science
- Journalism (the Penguin Press and the Student Yearbook)
- Drama
- Advanced Band and Orchestra (year long)
- Arabic Language and Culture
Note: English Language Development and Reading or Math Support may be required for English Language Learner students.
Zero Period Electives (available to all grades):
- Advanced Math
- Choir
- Guitar
This page was last updated on November 3, 2021