Alice Fong Yu 2021 COVID-19 School Specific Guidance Checklist
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Date: 04/2/2021
District-wide documents:
School Information:
- School Name: Alice Fong Yu
- CDS ID: 38684786113245
- School address: 1541 12th Ave., San Francisco CA 94122
- Name: Liana Szeto
- Job title: Principal
- Email address:;
- Phone number: 415-759-2764
Self-Attestation with District Practices
I attest that my school site will comply with the COVID safety protocols and operating procedures outlined in the district-wide reopening application linked to above, especially those that pertain to:
- Confirm - Symptom screenings.
- Confirm - Face coverings.
- Confirm - Cleaning and disinfection.
- Confirm - Community health pledge.
- Confirm - Communication plans.
- Confirm - Plans for simultaneous distance learning
- Will students be kept in small cohorts throughout the day?
- Yes
- What is the maximum size of the cohorts (including staff)?
- 16
- What is the maximum number of cohorts at the school?
- 16
- Will other staff interact with these cohorts throughout the day?
- Yes
- If so, please detail.
- There may be staff from community based organizations that will provide lunch and recess enrichment activities. Students with specialized services may receive those services from subcontracted staff. This staff will include site administrator, school nurse, social worker or other support staff, and CBO staff who are supporting recess or lunch.
- Does the school maintain a roster of the cohorts that all students and staff are assigned to, or will this be ready by the time SFDPH conducts its site visit?
- Yes
- How will cohorts be separated during recess?
- Designated paths to and from recess areas have been identified for all cohorts. All cohorts will use areas designated by grade in the play yard. Each cohort area will be marked with paint to identify designated cohort areas. (See SF Community Flow Diagram).
- How will cohorts be separated during meals?
- Students will either eat in their cohort's classroom or outdoors. For outdoor eating, lunch times will be staggered to prevent mixing of cohorts and to maximize use of outdoor space. Areas will be designated for each class with places marked 6 feet apart for students to sit. For indoor eating, students will eat in their cohort classrooms and will eat at their desks. Desks will have at least 6 ft of space facing the same direction. Some desks may be shared, but will have dividers.
- Please detail any efforts to minimize cohort intermingling during after-school programming.
- N/A. No afterschool programming will not be provided
- Please add any other detail on your cohorting practices.
- N/A
Physical Distancing
Classrooms—How will rooms be set up to encourage physical distancing?
Student desks will have at least 6 ft of space | x |
Student desks will have dividers between them | x |
Student desks will face the same direction | x |
Student desks will not be shared | Some desks will be shared, however shared desks will have dividers. |
Classrooms—Will staff remain at least 6 ft away from others at all times and are desks set up accordingly?
- Yes
- What steps are being taken to distance students from each other during meals?
- Alice Fong Yu will have two lunch periods where students will eat outside in their assigned outdoor cohort areas. If there is rain/wet weather, students will eat in their classroom. For outdoor eating, students will be situated in order to maintain social distancing. To maintain distancing indoors while eating, students will be in their cohort classroom and will eat at their desks. District-provided meals will be delivered to the students (whether to the classrooms or outdoors), bagged or individually plated. No shared tables or self-service buffets will be used. Hands will be washed before and after eating, and eating areas will be cleaned and disinfected between different classes. Students will be instructed to not talk while eating until they are done and masks are back on.
- What steps are being taken to distance students from each other during recess?
- Student cohorts will have designated areas painted in the school yards and recess times will be staggered by cohort. Within each designated play yard area, 6 feet markers will be painted to encourage distancing. Staff will be present to help enforce distancing
- What steps are being taken to distance staff from one another, such as in staff lounges?
- Alice Fong Yu will have 1 shared space on the 2nd level. Steps taken to distance staff will include occupancy limits, marked areas, signage, and education. Each space will have maximum occupancy limits based on 6 feet of distancing. The floor will be marked to identify spaces to sit and stand that are 6 feet apart. Signaged will be included to remind staff to stay 6 feet apart, to keep face masks on unless eating, to wash hands before and after eating, and to disinfect any area after they use it. Staff will be discouraged from eating together. Every adult will have a designated eating area in the building.
- Please add any other detail on your physical distancing practices.
- N/A
Outdoor Instruction
- Are you planning to utilize outdoor spaces for instruction?
- No
- Detail any outdoor spaces located within your school grounds that you plan to use for outdoor instruction.
- Outdoor spaces will be for recess only
- Detail any outdoor spaces located nearby your school grounds that you plan to use for outdoor instruction (i.e. parks).
- We will not be going off campus at this time
- Please add any other detail on how you plan to conduct outdoor instruction.
- N/A
Entrance, Egress, and Movement within the School
What steps will you take to control the flow of individuals at school entrances?
Pre-assigned entrances for specific grade levels to space out cohorts. Markers 6 feet apart for families waiting for screening questions
Markers placed 6 feet apart to avoid clustering | x |
Each entrance/exist restricted to one-way traffic | x |
Tape or other marking placed on floor to direct the flow of students | x |
Staff will be assigned to monitor student spacing | x |
What steps will you take to control the flow of individuals in hallways?
Markers placed 6 feet apart to avoid clustering | x |
Tape or other marking placed on floor to direct the flow of students | x |
Cohorts will have different recess and/or bell schedules to prevent intermingling | x |
Staff will be assigned to monitor student spacing | x |
What steps will you take to control the mixing of cohorts in outdoor school grounds?
Teachers and students will be go through safety protocols and expectations on the first day of school. Students will always be supervised by an adult. Adults will monitor students to control the non-mixing of students.
Markers placed 6 feet apart to avoid clustering | x |
Tape or other marking placed in school yard to give each cohort a dedicated space | x |
Staff will be assigned to monitor student spacing | x |
Will you stagger school start times by cohort?
No. The school drop-off and flow plan for cohorts will allow the school to sufficiently meet SFDPH guidelines around physical distancing, while allowing a uniform start time for all cohorts.
Will you stagger cohort drop-off times by cohort?
Alice Fong Yu will stagger drop-off and pick-up times to decrease density at entrances and exits of the school and to minimize contact as well as utilize multiple entrances. There will be two entrances along 12th Avenue. All 1st level classroom students will will have an entrance (inlcudes all 3 K cohorts and 2 1st grade cohorts), while the rest of the students as well as bus drop-off will enter through the other entrance.
Please detail any other efforts to control the flow of individuals within the school to prevent spread of COVID-19.
In addition, Alice Fong Yu will use markings, signage, and education to control flows and prevent spread of COVID-19. As noted in the questions above, entrances, hallways, and outdoor school grounds will have markers 6 feet apart, entrances/exits will be restricted to one-way traffic, markers will be placed to direct flow of students, and staff will be assigned to monitor student spacing. Signage will be posted at each entrance including two-page Social Distancing Protocol checklist, and personnel will be educated on this protocol.
Healthy Hygiene Practices
What type of hand hygiene stations will be located at all school entrances?
Handwashing stations with running water and soap |
Hand sanitizer stations |
x |
None |
What type of hand hygiene stations will be in close proximity to all dining areas?
Handwashing stations with running water and soap | |
Hand sanitizer stations | x |
None |
What type of hand hygiene stations will be in all classrooms?
Handwashing stations with running water and soap | Some classrooms have sinks with soap and running water, and when we are eating inside, it will be in the classrooms. |
Hand sanitizer stations | x |
None |
What type of hand hygiene stations will be in all staff lounges?
Handwashing stations with | |
Hand sanitizer stations | x |
None |
Will all individuals entering a facility be asked to either wash or sanitize their hands?
During the school day, how often will students and staff be asked to perform hand hygiene?
Hand sanitizer will be conveniently located throughout the school, and every health screening station, common area and classroom/instructional space will have hand sanitizer available. Students and staff will be asked to sanitize their hands frequently, based on activities being performed. They will be asked to sanitize their hands before entering the building, before and after eating, entering/reentering a classroom, and before and after touching shared equipment, and before and after touching their face covering. In addition, there will be signage throughout the school encouraging hand hygiene.
Please detail any other healthy hand hygiene efforts your school will conduct.
Isolation and Quarantine (I&Q) Room
- Where will your I&Q room be located?
- Alice Fong Yu will have two isolation rooms, both on the 2nd floor.
- Does the space have operable windows?
- Yes
- Is the space equipped with an air filter?
- No
Covid Contact Tracing Program and Contacts
- Contact tracing is a critical component in mitigating the transmission of COVID-19 in schools. Upon learning that a staff, student, or any person who has been on-site has tested positive, the administrator must take immediate and appropriate steps to do the following:
- Identify close contacts who also were on-site during the contagious period
- Communicate messages tailored to close contacts, other affected individuals, and stakeholders
- Complete the necessary documentation in accordance with district, local, and state COVID-19 reporting requirements
- Close affected areas for cleaning and disinfection
Taking the above actions helps to avoid further transmission, and affected individuals can quickly get the care they need.
Key Resources:
- 03.COVID-19 Protocol for Symptoms, Testing Positive, or Close Contacts
- 04.Quick Guide: COVID-19 Protocol for Symptoms, Testing Positive, or Close Contact
- COVID Incident Flowchart
- EED Unusual Incident/Injury Protocol
How does it work?
Step / Documents / Data / Sources | Who's Responsible | |
Step 1: Administrator receives information that someone on-site has tested positive. Data Source: Family or staff member informs To Come: SmartSheets captures staff daily health screening information and notifies the administrator if they answer YES to any of the health screening questions. |
All (staff and family members) | |
Step 2: Within 1 hour of being informed, Administrator uses the Information Gathering Tool to solicit necessary information from the person who tested positive, determine when the contagious period started, where and when the person was on-site, and who they might have been in close contact with. Data Source: Person who tested positive To Come: SmartSheets will solicit and store staff information in the health screening section of the tool. Data will be entered by the administrator or designee for students who test positive. |
Liana Szeto | |
Step 3: Administrator identifies all close contacts using the SFDPH definition of “close contact”: Persons identified by the person who tested positive, everyone in the person’s stable group, and anyone who was in the classroom for more than 15 minutes while the person was contagious. Data Sources: Staff Sign In, Synergy class roster, Classroom Visitor Log, Information Gathering Tool To Come: a report on all staff who were on-site and in specific classrooms on specific days can be run from SmartSheets |
Liana Szeto | |
Step 4: Complete the Positive COVID-19 Report (google form) and submit. To Come: SmartSheets will automate the notification of the COVID-19 Central Liaison. |
Liana Szeto | |
Step 5: Upon receiving the Positive COVID-19 Report, provide immediate support to the site. Within 24 hours of receiving the Positive COVID-19 Report, notify SFDPH COVID-19 Schools and Childcare Hub. Draft internal communication to the SFCSD Chief, Policy Team, Risk Management, Board of Education, Labor and other stakeholders. Submit data in CalConnect Shared Portal for Outbreak Tracing and for SB1159. |
COVID-19 Central Liaison Greg Markwith (alternatives: Sarah White, Mary Jue or Mele Lau-Smith) | |
Step 6: SFDPH COVID-19 Schools and Childcare Hub will connect with the school site and/or Central Liaison to provide additional support and consultation. | SFDPH COVID-19 Exposure Investigator | |
Step 7: Within 24 hours, appropriate messages will be sent to the person who tested positive, to all close contacts associated with the district, and to anyone else who was on-site during the contagious period but who was not a close contact. The person who tested positive will be placed on home isolation. All close contacts will be placed on home quarantine. Everyone else can continue to come to work or school as long as the entire location is not closed. To Come: SmartSheets will allow automated messaging if staff answer YES to any of the health screening questions, and to close contacts when they are identified as close contacts to a positive incident. |
Liana Szeto | |
Step 8: The incident will be documented in the Confidential Illness Log for each site, to monitor who is in isolation or quarantine and when they are expected to return. If the incident involves a Pre-K classroom, the EED Unusual Incident/Injury Protocol will be followed and a report made to Childcare Licensing. Everyone on isolation or quarantine will be followed up with so they are aware of when to return to work or school and encouraged to get tested if indicated. If anyone else tests positive, appropriate and immediate steps will be taken, as listed above. To Come: SmartSheets will automate messaging to those in isolation or quarantine to see if they meet the criteria to return. This will happen in addition to a personal wellness follow up. |
Liana Szeto |
Covid Contacts
Site Administrator
- Name: Lindsey Keener
- Job title: Principal
- Email address:;
- Phone number: 415-749-3730
COVID- 19 Central Liaison
- Name - Greg Markwith
- Title - Director, Emergency Planning, Preparedness & Prevention
- Office Phone
- Cell Phone (415) 589-8458
- Email Address -
Correction of COVID-19 Hazards
The Site Administrator/Designee* must perform periodic inspections to ensure District protocols for the control of COVID-19 hazards are being followed, and to identify unhealthy conditions, work practices, and work procedures.
*See definition of Site Administrator/Designee in the Definitions section of this document.
The Site Administrator/Designee will utilize Appendix A: COVID-19 Inspections and Corrections to document the results of periodic inspections. In conducting periodic inspections, the Site Administrator/Designee shall:
- Note areas that are in compliance in the applicable Status box.
- Identify unsafe or unhealthy work conditions, practices or procedures by describing what needs to be corrected in the Status box.
- Note areas that are unable to be immediately corrected and indicate that the Site Administrator/Designee will correct the condition
- For a hazard(s) that cannot be immediately corrected, make arrangements for the hazard to be corrected in a timely manner based on the severity of the hazard(s). In making arrangement for the correction of the hazard(s), the Site Administrator/Designee should describe the following:
- The timeframe for correction based on the severity of the hazard Individuals who are responsible for timely correction.
- Follow-up measures taken to ensure timely correction.
Site Administrator
- Name: Liana Szeto
- Job title: Principal
- Email address:;
- Phone number: 415-759-2764
Risk Management - Site Administrator
- Name - Ken Neu
- Title - Interim Executive Director
- Office Phone -
- Cell Phone -
- Email Address -
This page was last updated on April 6, 2021