Balboa High School’s Bal EmpowHER Club Celebrates Women

Balboa High School’s Bal EmpowHER Club Celebrates Women

Published on March 6, 2023
Students from Balboa High School featured in posters from the Bal EmpowHER student club

Bal EmpowHER's 2022 poster campaign on self-care and consent

Schools in SFUSD get a head start on Women’s History Month by celebrating Women’s History and gender diversity by offering opportunities year-round.

Bal EmpowHER is a group at Balboa High School who stand up for themselves and others. They promote conversations about women’s health and rights in their community. To celebrate Women’s History Month this year, members are creating a poster campaign promoting healthy relationships with friends, family, partners, and self. They have prepared imagery for teachers and students to hold up and take photos of them for posters with original design and copy. 

The club will debut the posters around the school on Wednesday, March 8, which is International Women’s Day. They will also host a week-long lunch event featuring community-based organizations like Oasis for Girls, 3rd Street Clinic, DPH Clinic, and CYC After-School Program, as well as school site resources. Additionally, the club will sell Appreciation Grams for anyone to send to appreciate a woman at school or outside of school.

Poster by BalEmpowHER for Women's History Month 2023

Bal EmpowHER's 2023 poster campaign on healthy relationships

This page was last updated on May 2, 2023