High School Students Learn About Waterfront Resilience in Embarcadero Field Trip

High School Students Learn About Waterfront Resilience in Embarcadero Field Trip

Published on January 26, 2023

On January 20, juniors and seniors from Lincoln High School and The Academy SF at McAteer attended a field trip along the SF Embarcadero waterfront hosted by the Port of San Francisco and the Exploratorium to see the King Tides: rare, extreme tides today, but our city’s regular tides in the coming decades with changes in climate. The field trip was part of an exploratory project for a potential pilot and longer term partnership with the Port of San Francisco for students to participate in designing for local climate resilience. Through the partnership, students will dive into the Waterfront Resilience Program.

As a Climate Impacts Awareness Campaign, students marked Sea Level Rise (SLR) stencils inland from the Embarcadero to show the public where bay water will reach in 2040 (3.5 ft SLR) and 2090 (7 ft SLR). Students also took part in design challenges to share ideas for reconfiguring the Embarcadero, meeting the needs of the community, and our bay’s sensitive habitat.

A student looks at the King Tides at the Embarcadero during a field trip.

A student looks at the King Tides along the Embarcadero.


A student on a science field trip to the Embaracadero marks where water will be in 2090.

A student marks where the bay water will reach in 2090.


Students on an SFUSD science field trip talk about reconfiguring the Embaracadero

Students take part in a design challenge reconfiguring the Embarcadero.

This page was last updated on May 1, 2023