The Return of Roosevelt Middle School's 5K Fun Run
On Wednesday, May 10, the Roosevelt Middle School community set out together for the return of the Roosevelt 5K Fun Run, which was last held in 2014. School staff wanted to celebrate a return to physical fitness and to promote health and wellness by running a 5K through Golden Gate Park with their 700 students and parent volunteers.
When the Fun Run was first held, it was held in conjunction with the school’s Science department with a volunteer restoration day at the park or Ocean Beach. This year, Roosevelt’s PTSA approached the Physical Education department with the idea of resurrecting the Fun Run as a standalone event, which they were able to do in coordination with each other and the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department.
In addition to the health and fitness aspect of the Fun Run, PE teacher Brian Chang says, “It’s a way for kids to build community, get out to the park, and enjoy our wonderful outdoor areas.”
Learn more about the Roosevelt 5K Fun Run in this piece from KCBS Radio.
This page was last updated on May 15, 2023