SFUSD Students in Grades 1-2 to Attend Private SF Symphony Concerts Link to this section

Music education improves academic achievement, builds communication skills, fosters creativity, develops teamwork, and increases engagement in school. SFUSD offers music classes and programs at every level. Elementary schools are served by instrumental music teachers, Music Artists in Residence, and music programs such as those offered by the San Francisco Symphony and San Francisco Opera.
As part of a longstanding partnership with the SF Symphony, SFUSD students in grades 1-2 are invited to attend an exclusive Adventures in Music Program (AIM) concert at Davies Symphony Hall on May 3 and 5. AIM aims to serve all SFUSD students in grades 1-5, with students in grades 3-5 attending their own AIM concerts earlier this year.
As part of the AIM program, students have engaged with music ensembles at their schools and used student workbooks and teacher/classroom materials to learn about the ways music can communicate to listeners—how music “talks.” Their year in the program concludes with this upcoming trip to the Symphony.
This page was last updated on April 26, 2023