Examples of School-Wide Activities

District Wide

LGBTQ+ Spirit Day!

Since 2010, the National LGBTQ+ Spirit Day has encouraged all students and staff to wear purple to raise awareness and take a pledge to put an end to anti-LGBTQ+ bullying. LGBTQ Student Services supports school participation in this annual event. To learn more about LGBTQ+ Spirit Day and how to raise awareness of anti-LGBTQ bullying on your campus, please review the materials listed below:

  1. How to Plan LGBTQ+ Spirit Day
  2. Spirit Day Resource Guide
  3. Resources for Elementary Grades
  4. Flyer
  5. Video - Story of Spirit Day
  6. Request Purple Stickers Form

Example pledges from previous LGBTQ+ Sprit Days:

Burton High School:

Student standing in front of spirit day pledge banner.

Hoover Middle School:

School wall covered in anti-bullying pledges by Hoover students

Glen Park Elementary School:

Banner titled "Purple Pledge" of student signatures pledging to stop bullying.

This page was last updated on July 25, 2024