Instructional Resources

Teacher Created Resources Library Link to this section

On this searchable library, you can find curated school YouTube channels, web sites, technology tips and slide decks to explore distance learning in SFUSD across grade levels and content areas. With the help of educators across the district, we hope this becomes a robust resource. Because a community builds artifacts, this is also an invitation. If you have created a resource you think will benefit other educators, students or their families, please add it to our Teacher Created Resources form. Please browse the repository below (anything in orange indicates the resource is in a language other than English). 



Google Classrooms for Different Grade Levels/Subjects Link to this section

Join the district Google Classroom associated with your grade and/or content to access lesson plans.

You will be using Google Classroom as a "student" to access the resources. These lesson plans are teacher-facing and have PDF and virtual opportunities for students to engage in continuous learning. They also may have student facing instructions. You may choose to use these or you can create your own lessons that are tailored to your students. 

Follow the links to enroll via the + button in the upper right-hand corner and choose “Join Class”. Enter the join code for the class.

Google Classroom header

EED/Elementary Link to this section

(EE - 5th Grades) Link to this section

Middle School Link to this section

(6th - 8th Grades) Link to this section

High School Link to this section

(9th - 12th Grades) Link to this section

High School Link to this section

(9th - 12th Grades) Link to this section

Early Education: ryv6jyo

Kindergarten: kjv7zmv

1st Grade: fxdawl4

2nd Grade: gpgfk6p

3rd Grade: piqvs3x

4th Grade: mq3vw5y

5th Grade: qdac4kp

K-5 VAPA: bwzrm37

PK-12 SpEd: 5vfkoil

MS Mathematics

ELA: ktdw7qj

Science: ncvmcyl

History/Social Studies: xnfhgeg

Health: vok6t7w

Phys Ed:  ndryiik

Middle School ELD for Newcomer and Developing ELs: 23elcpn

Designated ELD for Long Term ELs (6-12): 775yxvn

PK-12 SpEd: 5vfkoil

PBL (New to PBL): tvwdlfy

PBL (Prior Experience): 5qawuba

English/Language Arts Link to this section

9th & 10th Grade: ngzzzcl

11th & 12th Grade:  niuyeqs 

HS Mathematics


Biology:  iyck7ei

Chemistry:  22yyg25

Physics:  24lyi5w

World Languages: 6n3ze7n

PK-12 SpEd: 5vfkoil

  Link to this section


Ethnic Studies 9th: rit6fpe

Modern World 10th: pll5yxq

US History 11th: rlvw4y3

Gov/Econ 12th:  n27fdsk

Phys Ed:  ndryiik

Health: fgvoeoj

High School ELD for Newcomer and Developing ELs:  mk6eox5

Designated ELD for Long Term ELs (6-12): 775yxvn

PBL (New to PBL): tvwdlfy

PBL (Prior Experience): 5qawuba

K-5 Social Studies: ezbbgij

Lessons will be posted in the Classwork section of this classroom. Announcements are found in the Stream section.

stream and classwork


This page was last updated on October 22, 2021