Asynchronous PD and Resources Link to this section
Use Part 1 to guide calibration and scoring after administering the Math Milestone or Entry tasks.
Use Part 2 as a protocol for looking at student work to inform your next instructional moves.

HS Post-Milestone Re-Engagement Module, PART 1
Part 1: Using Math Milestone Tasks to Inform Instruction, What Do We See?
Use this module in math course teams to guide calibration and scoring of your students’ math milestone tasks.

HS Post-Milestone Re-Engagement Module, PART 2
Part 2: Using Math Milestone Tasks to Inform Instruction, Taking Action
Use this module in math course teams as a protocol for looking at student work and determining next instructional moves.
Available Resources Link to this section
Resources for Calibration and Scoring:
- Calibration and Scoring Protocol
- Generic Calibration Tool
- How to Enter Scores in DnA (Illuminate) for HS
Resources for Analysis and Next Steps:
Re-Engagement Link to this section
Re-engagement is using student work for the purpose of uncovering misconceptions, providing feedback on student thinking, and helping students to go deeper into the mathematics. Students have the opportunity to reflect on their own learning while making connections between mathematical ideas. Analyzing student work to determine next steps is best done with a grade level team. Access SFUSD Math Website Re-engagement page for more information.
This page was last updated on July 25, 2024