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2024 - 2025 Bell Schedule
See the attached image for the Bell Schedule for the 24 - 25 School Year.

ALHS Counseling
Need your class schedule? Request a course change? Set up your ParentVUE? Find your grade level specific Google Classroom?
Everything that you need is here on the ALHS Counseling website! Use the links and feel free to reach out to your counselors directly through email.

ALHS Club Information
Interested in joining student clubs? Check our wide selections of clubs and join the respective Google Classroom for more information.

The goal of the PTSA is to support the extensive curriculum of Abraham Lincoln High School for college preparatory courses; academic enrichment; performing arts; clubs and athletics, science, technology, engineering and math; and pathways including arts, media and entertainment; business and finance, education; energy; architecture; health science; and information and communication technology.

ALHS Athletics!
Abraham Lincoln High School a member of the Academic Athletic Association, part of the CIF San Francisco Section. If your student wants to participate in sports then they need the proper clearance through the website Homecampus. The Medical Eligibility Form is the only form that should be submitted to a school or sports organization. Complete everything to get out there and compete! Go Mustangs!!!
School Announcements
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ALHS School Calendar
ALHS Calendar (24 - 25)
SFUSD Calendar
More about this school
School Type
High School (9-12) -
Estimated Enrollment
2130 -
- Sharimar Manalang
Assistant Principal(s)
- Michael Cress
- Jordan Loey
- Denyse Barris-Jones
HoursMo - Tu: 8:40 am-3:45 pmWe: 8:40 am-2:35 pmTh - Fr: 8:40 am-3:45 pmALHS (Main, Dean, Attendance, and Counseling) offices open at 8:00 AM. Non supervised students, clubs, and extracurriculars must clear the building by 4:15 PM.
School Tour
Link to Virtual Enrollment Fair Information (Slide Deck)
Link to School Facilities Tour (Slide Deck)Sign up for a school tour at
Uniforms Policy
SFUSD Dress Code -
Parkside/Sunset -
School Meals
Breakfast, Lunch, After School SupperView menus at
School Code
Abraham Lincoln High School is a comprehensive high school with a long history of high expectations and excellence. The goal is to provide a positive, nurturing school environment that supports high academic performance and high student self-image. We recognize that students bring their diverse experiences into the classroom, and believe instruction should be responsive to different student learning needs. In addition, Lincoln offers a rigorous AP and honors program, services for Special Education severely and non-severely impaired students, a comprehensive English Language Learner (ELL) program that prepares students to become bilingual and biliterate, Career Academies, a Wellness Center, Peer Resource Program, AVID, Step-to-College, and a wide variety of clubs, athletic, and other extracurricular activities. The Environmental Service Learning Initiative promotes environmental and social justice. We also feature community partnerships with 14 different community agencies. Our teachers focus on authenticity, relevance, enthusiasm, critical thought, and creativity, while allowing students to take pride in their success. We hold ourselves accountable to a culture of service and support. It means that school staff share responsibility for each student's success.
After School Programs
ExCEL program, Credit recovery, Tutoring, Student clubs, English Language Learner support, Counseling, Computer lab. Free and open to all Lincoln students. Monday, Tuesday, & Friday: 3:53 PM-6:00 PM Wednesday & Thursday: 2:57 PM - 6:00 PM -
Language Programs
Japanese World Language
Mandarin World Language
Spanish World Language
Special Education Programs
Resource Specialist Program Services
Separate class - Mild/moderate
Separate class - Moderate/severe
Separate class - Moderate/severe with autism focus
SOAR (Success, Opportunity, Achievement, Resiliency formerly known as ED or Emotionally Disturbed)
School Day Academic Enrichment
Advanced Placement (AP) classes
Career Technical Education (CTE) Academies
College classes at CCSF or SFSU
College classes on-site
Internships available
Project-based learning
Service learning
STEAM (science; technology; engineering; arts; mathematics)
Tutoring in school
Arts Enrichment
Creative writing
Ethnic Studies
Media arts
Music program
Performing arts
Visual arts
Cross country
Flag football
Spirit Squad
Track and Field
Student Support Programs
Access to nurse
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)
Family liaison
On-site nurse
Peer resources
Social worker
Career Technical Education Academies
Arts, Media and Entertainment
Business and Finance
Education, Child Development and Family Services
Energy, Environment and Utilities
Engineering and Architecture
Health Science and Medical Technology
Information and Communication Technology
College Counseling
100% College Prep
Academic counseling
Cash for College or Financial Aid Night
College and/or career counseling
College and/or career fair
College application workshops
College tours and visits
Japanese Community Youth Council (JCYC)
Personal statement workshops
SFSU Step to College
SFUSD Plan Ahead curriculum
UCSF Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP)
School Data
Application Data
General education entry grade seats per application: 18%-
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs) are required by state law and are intended to provide families with important information.
School Accountability Highlights
Published annually by SFUSD to provide access to key data points and three-year trends related to student achievement and school culture-climate. The highlights are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Filipino, and Vietnamese.
Social-Emotional and Culture Climate Report
SFUSD annually surveys families and school staff on a range of school climate indicators that have been found to predict positive student academic achievement. The social-emotional learning of students in grades 4-12 is also assessed.
School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
School communities gather twice a year to review data and previous actions in order to intentionally plan for the coming months. The School Plan for Student Achievement is the template on which this review and stakeholder engagement process is codified.
Contact Info
2162 24th Avenue, San Francisco, CA, 94116 -
Phone Number
415-759-2700 -
Fax Number
415-566-2224 -
Email -