Health Education


Dear Students & Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to Health Education at ALHS!

Health Education is a semester course designed to increase the awareness and knowledge of healthy living. A variety of topics will be covered in this course to provide students with the tools necessary to evaluate their own health needs and make positive health decisions for themselves now and in the future.

The Essential Health Concepts are: Wellness - Physical Health (nutrition, body image, physical fitness, sleep, diseases & disorders), Mental & Emotional Health (understanding mental and emotional health, stress management, mental illness, suicide), Social Health (communication, relationships, harassment/abuse) & Spiritual Health (purpose, values, beliefs, and how these ideas influence health decisions)

Community Health and Safety - Accessing health care, First Aid,/CPR, accident prevention, handling emergencies, disaster preparedness, environmental health

Human Sexuality & Reproduction (sexuality, human reproduction, pregnancy and fetal development, sexually transmitted illness) Family Life, and Sexual Violence & Abuse

Substance Use & Abuse - Effects of use and abuse of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs on the user, the family, and society

For details about these topics, read the complete information here:

Here is a link to the SFUSD Health Education Policies and Mandates webpage:

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about the course.


Kristy Erickson-Vannelli

415-350-759-2700 x3408


This page was last updated on August 30, 2023