

Founded in 1954, A. P. Giannini Middle School was named after Amadeo Pietro Giannini, the son of Italian immigrants and founder of Bank of America. AP Giannini may be best known locally for lending money and extending credit to individuals and small businesses in need of rebuilding their lives following the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

The Giannini Family Foundation has established a partnership with our school and generously supports us each year by funding daily planners, called binder reminders, for each of our 1200+ students. The Claire Giannini Foundation also supports us with a grant stipulating activities that make history relevant. This has resulted in historical essay contests and the study of tolerance and its presence in history. Over 100 students were awarded savings bonds last year for their essays.

At A. P. Giannini, we pride ourselves on providing a safe and positive school environment where the education and well being of every student is our top priority. Our committed educators are well versed in a variety of strategies and instructional practices to engage students and promote their success. We honor diversity, value differences, and respect one another. We encourage personal responsibility, good citizenship, and community involvement and service. Our students leave middle school with the knowledge and tools to prepare them for high school and beyond.

This page was last updated on April 18, 2019