May 19, 2021

May 19, 2021 Link to this section

Dear SFUSD Staff:

We recognize that during the pandemic we have had to live with a lot of uncertainty. Our community is eager for more certainty and for information about what to expect this fall. 

As an organization and a team committed to continuous improvement, we want to learn and grow from this experience and incorporate these lessons into the development of our fall plans. 

As an organization and a team committed to being student centered, it is also important to state that –– even if all public health guidance pointed in the direction of a return that could look the way school looked in February 2020 –– we must create learning experiences and school communities that take into consideration where our students are now and what they need as we move forward. 

As an organization and team committed to equity and access, we recognize that there are disparities in how our communities experienced the impacts of the pandemic. We strive to honor these contexts, remove barriers, and develop solutions aligned with our values as we move forward. Please review today’s digest for updates. 

Fall In-Person Return

SFUSD remains committed to a full, 5-day in-person reopening for Fall 2021, pending state and local reopening plans and public health guidance.

  • Our schools receive most of their funding from the State budget. The Governor’s proposed funding for public schools assumes the default will be a full return to full-time in-person instruction.
  • State guidance will impact what remote learning options will be acceptable to offer students in Fall 2021.
  • As COVID-19 conditions evolve, official guidance is not yet entirely clear for school reopenings for Fall 2021. We’re planning for different possibilities given the projected conditions and eagerly await more guidance from state and local public health officials. 
  • SFUSD will continue to work with local partners to curb the spread of COVID-19. We are partnering with the San Francisco Department of Public Health, UCSF and others to increase access to vaccines and public health information for SFUSD families, especially in hard-to-reach populations and limited English proficient communities.

Return Safely Updates 

Last Day of School 

For all school-term PK-12 the last day of school is Wednesday, June 2nd; Monday May 31st is the Memorial Day Holiday and there is no school.

Last Day of In-Person Elementary levels: 

Schools on Schedule A the last day of in-person instruction is Wednesday, June 2nd. 

Schools on Schedule B last day of in-person instruction for Group M/T is Tuesday, June 1st, for Group Th/F is Friday, May 28th, and Wednesday June 2nd is virtual.

Middle School:

The last day of in-person instruction for middle school students is Tuesday, June 1st and Wednesday June 2nd is virtual for all middle school students. 

High School:

High school students that are attending in-person will have their last day on Wednesday, June 2nd and students attending virtually will have their last day of school virtually on Wednesday, June 2nd.

Reminder: New COVID-19 Guidelines for In-Person Learning in Yellow Tier 

As San Francisco has moved down into the Yellow tier, there is new SFDPH guidance for COVID protocols & responses regarding close contacts and testing.

Staff and students who have been identified as close contacts and are on a 14-day quarantine may return to work immediately if they are fully vaccinated (two weeks after second dose).

Quarantine and Isolation

  • Close contacts must stay in home quarantine for 10 full days after they were last in close contact with the person with COVID-19. 

  • Close contacts who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 do not have to quarantine after close contact with someone with COVID-19, as long as they are asymptomatic.

  • Close contacts who have had COVID-19 within the previous 3 months do not have to quarantine after close contact with someone with COVID-19, as long as they are asymptomatic.


  • Routine testing of asymptomatic staff and students, especially those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, is not recommended. 

  • Per the Health and Safety MOU with the Unions of SF:

    • In the yellow tier, 20% of staff across the District should be tested every two weeks.

    • 20% of student testing stays the same

COLOR Testing schedules for student and staff testing will stay the same; however:

  • Staff who are fully vaccinated (two weeks after second dose) do not have to participate in testing

  • We encourage staff who have not received the vaccine to get tested during their school site's testing day. 

SFUSD Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker - Please complete this form - all information is confidential.

Distance Learning Updates

SF Loves Learning

SF Loves Learning invites you to explore new segments in our deck celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. You can also explore our new deck with countless videos on The Needs of Plants and Animals! You can find all of our segments and full episodes on our website. Highlights from this week are below!

This week’s theme is Students’ Questions. Check out these segments that are airing this week:

  • Penguins (Lesson): Maestra Meza answers questions about what penguins eat, do they have water and how their habitats meet their needs. We review what a habitat is. (May 20) Seesaw activity
  • Mamíferos (Music): Ms. Peña-Govea and family sing a song in Spanish about what makes animals mammals. (May 18) Seesaw activity
  • Soul Sisters (Read Aloud): Soul Sisters was written by Crystal Hawkins, an SFUSD employee, and Ingrid Estrada-Darley. (May 17)
  • We Are Earth! (Movement): Ms. Sammay takes us through a movement meditation on 'reciprocity' and our role as earth dwellers a.k.a. humans! As a part of one whole ecosystem, how do we embody reciprocity with the earth and practice collective care with all of the plants and animals to ensure a healthy and sustainable future for us all? (May 21) Seesaw Activity
  • Math Words and the ages of living things (Community): We learn math words that help us compare ages of living things. Watch the difference between what Ogday can do and has been practicing for years and what Dioji is learning to do. (May 18)

If you’re planning for next week, the science theme is More Student’s Questions! You can find all of next week’s segments and our full library to support your instruction in three ways:

  • Segments Library: Find any segment (read aloud, daily lesson, music, movement, community)!
  • Seesaw page: Teachers can adapt any Seesaw activity on our page.
  • YouTube channel: Subscribe to this channel, explore the playlists, and receive notifications when new content is published.

SF Loves Learning airs every weekday, 8:30-9am on KTVU Plus and any time at

School Meal Updates

Grab & Go Meals Continue for Summer 2021

  • After June 4, the SFUSD Grab & Go meal service will be open on Thursdays only from 2:00 - 3:30 pm.
  • Meals are available for all children 18 & younger. Adults can pick up meals for children. We will serve 7 days worth of meals, including breakfast, lunch, fresh fruit and vegetables, and milk is available.
  • What to Bring and a Full Schedule listed on
  • Download a June Calendar here
  • Students attending an in-person summer program at SFUSD
    • Students’ Grab & Go meal bags will have 2 days worth of meals. 
    • All students attending in-person summer programs will be offered a healthy lunch and hearty snack at school.

Volunteer Opportunity at Grab & Go Meal Sites

  • SFUSD employees or community members (over 18) can volunteer at SFUSD’s Grab & Go meal sites. Volunteers assist outdoors with setup, line control, and breakdown. Over 400 people have volunteered to support Student Nutrition Services throughout the pandemic.

Tech Tip

Reminder: District Funded Technology Applications for 2021-22 

  • SFUSD will continue funding technology applications that serve essential teaching and learning needs for the summer and 2021-22 school year.  Learn which applications will be centrally funded and supported on the Approved Digital Tools and Applications page.
  • New online learning applications requests are on pause for the remainder of the year in order to prepare these apps and others previously requested and approved tools and applications for summer school and the start of the 2021-2022 school year. 
  • We will resume app requests, along with a new site-based process, after the start of the school year.

Did You Know?

Anyone who is 12 years and older is now eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine.

At this time only Pfizer is approved for those ages 12 to 18 years of age. People under 18 need permission from a parent or guardian to be vaccinated, except under certain limited circumstances. 

The Pfizer vaccine is very effective in teenagers with studies showing that it prevents up to 100% of COVID-19 infections and produces protective antibodies. Learn more from the CDC about the benefits of getting a vaccine (Español | 简体中文 | Tiếng Việt | 한국어). 

Visit our Vaccine Info and FAQ Page to learn more, including about parent/ guardian consent and upcoming vaccination opportunities in San Francisco.

Bright Spot

Michael Yu, a student at Lincoln High School, is working to provide school supplies to kids with special needs and is featured on KCBS Radio as a Difference Maker.

Warm regards,

Superintendent Dr. Vincent Matthews

This page was last updated on May 19, 2021