Donate to the PTSA! Link to this section
Donate online or print a Donation Form & return with a check
Donations to ALHS PTSA may be matched by your employer. Lincoln PTSA is an IRS 501(c)(3) org. Tax ID #94-6080909

PTSA Fundraising Link to this section
Printable Fundraising Checklist
Help Support the ALHS PTSA:
- Amazon Smile - ALHS gets 0.5% of your purchase, just by shopping at Amazon with this link!
- eScrip - Shop online and benefit ALHS! (Group Name: ABRAHAM LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL; Group ID: #6466629)
- Rainbow Grocery (@ Folsom St. & 13th St.) - ALHS gets 10% of your purchase. Get pre-registered cards:
- Community Thrift - Donate gently used items & ALHS gets % of the resale.
- Cole Hardware - ALHS gets a 10% gift card.
- Mollie Stones - 5% card
- Office Depot - #70014088 or "Abraham Lincoln HS" for 5%.
- Donate to the ALHS PTSA online!
Contact the PTSA!
PTSA funds have funded the following items/projects:
- Curtains for Little Theater
- Solar Panel Construction Kits
- Sea Urchin Eggs
- Field Trips
- Earthquake Supplies
- Video Cameras for Mustang TV
- Weights for P.E.
- Special Ed Supplies
- Risers for Choir & Drama
- Lockers
- Electronic Whiteboards
- Annual Resource Fair
- And more!
PTSA provides breakfast for 2,000 students each day of the four-day CAT-6 exams and AP exams.
This page was last updated on December 9, 2021