Apply for the 2022-23 Student Advisory Council (SAC)!

Announcement Details

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Grade Level
High School
County School

Announcement Message

Represent your school site on the SFUSD Student Advisory Council (SAC)!

The Student Advisory Council is a citywide, youth-led organization that is committed to providing a voice for the students of the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) by representing and presenting the interests of the students to the administrative and policy making bodies of the SFUSD.

1. Attend an orientation/3-day leadership retreat training at the beginning of the school year
2. Attend all SAC Meetings (every other Monday from 6:00-8:00 PM)
3. Attend other special engagement and committee meetings as appropriate
4. Represent your school and the entire SFUSD student community and receive an award from SFUSD
5. Deliberate and advise the Board of Education as to policies, resolutions, and/or student views

1. Build your college resume and leadership skills attributed with City politics and student advocacy
2. Advocate for change in your schools and throughout SFUSD schools
3. Be the voice for your school and fellow students at the Central District level
4. Advise the Superintendent and the Board of Education on present and future policies
5. Draft, lobby, amend and produce SFUSD Policy Resolutions and/or Superintendent Proposals
6. Attend Leadership Retreats, Award Banquets, Youth Summit, and City Hall engagements
7. Dinner is served at every meeting for all Representatives (in-person)

For more information:
Email: or

Check us out on Facebook at

APPLICATION DUE: August 1, 2022


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