Announcement Details
Announcement Message
National School Breakfast Week is coming up on March 3-7! This week reminds us of the importance of a healthy breakfast to start the day. Every day, we offer a nutritionally balanced breakfast, including fresh fruit and optional milk to help fuel students' success in school. It's proven that students who eat breakfast have higher test scores, increased comprehension, improved classroom behavior, and reduced tardiness.
This year, SNS is celebrating the expansion of our breakfast program through a variety of Breakfast After the Bell launches across the district. Our Child Nutrition Programs Supervisor, Anthony Calegari, has jumped in to help expand access to breakfast for students by working with admin at nearly 10 new sites to begin Breakfast in the Classroom, Grab n Go Breakfast, and Second Chance Breakfast.
Breakfast menus are available online at
Looking for another way to celebrate?
Have your students write a thank you note to your very own SNS Dining Staff! They work hard every day to serve breakfast, lunch, and supper, free of charge to students. They'd love to hear from you.
Share with students about the origin of School Breakfast (right here in the Bay Area!) at
Talk about what makes breakfast so important and how simple changes can help students feel fueled throughout the day!