Announcement Details
Announcement Message
San Francisco Unified School District is inviting you to learn about and give us feedback on a policy change that we are considering as part of our effort to continue expanding access to our Transitional Kindergarten classes and ensure more continuity for families. The proposed change, which would take effect in the 2026-27 school year, would establish TK Feeder classrooms at Early Education Schools that connect directly to our Elementary Schools where we cannot currently offer TK classrooms onsite.
We are inviting families, especially those with children 3 years and younger who are looking to start Transitional Kindergarten in 2026-27, to attend one of our in person and virtual community engagement sessions:
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 5-6 p.m.: Zoom Link
Thursday, Feb. 20, 5-6 p.m.
At Commodore Stockton Early Education School
1 Trenton St, San Francisco, Calif., 94108
Saturday, Feb. 22, 10-11 a.m.
At San Miguel Early Education School
300 Seneca Ave, San Francisco, Calif., 94112
Interpretation and/or Language Support for Cantonese and Spanish will be available at each of our in-person information sessions. We are also working to be able to provide childcare for our in-person sessions although we are not able to confirm this yet. Please fill out this registration form to reserve your spot at one of our in-person sessions.
For more information, you can view the attached flyer or visit our website: