Supporting LGBTQ+ Students in SFUSD

Announcement Details

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Announcement Message

Originally posted on Jan. 30, 2025: 

Dear SFUSD Community:

As your superintendent, my job is to ensure that all students receive a high-quality education in a safe and supportive learning environment. Leaning into and celebrating our diversity helps all of our students to feel seen, heard, and respected; this includes our district’s trans-identified students and all of our LGBTQ+ students and families. While it is not yet clear how or when developments at the federal level might inform things here in SFUSD, commitment to our core values will not change.

SFUSD Board policy and California state law affirm the rights of our students and staff to learn and grow in a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. I imagine that there are a myriad of emotions in response to these possible changes and our present uncertainty. Please know that I will continue to collaborate with our local and state partners to support and protect the rights of all of our communities.

Current state and local guidance as well as pedagogical best practices include:

We continue to have much to celebrate. As we have for the last three decades, SFUSD will observe Pride in April which will feature our second annual Superintendent’s Rainbow Read Aloud, to promote literacy and highlight stories of resilience and acceptance. We are also excited to share that we have successfully launched the Queer and Transgender Parent Advisory Council (QTPAC) this past fall. QTPAC and our other parent advisory councils are significant ways families and students can be empowered to uplift the needs and voices of their communities. We welcome community engagement and are always happy to share the material we use in our classrooms. To learn more about school and community resources, please visit the SFUSD website.

Together, we will continue to make progress, ensuring our schools are spaces where all students, regardless of their identity, can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive community for all.



Dr. Maria Su

SFUSD Superintendent

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