Stories from the Digital Learning Field
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Stories from the Digital Learning Field
Welcome SFUSD Community to the home page of Stories from the Digital Learning Field. This occasional podcast series brings you the voices of educators and students as they help to blaze the trail of digital learning in San Francisco. You will hear about media making, digital agency, portfolios and creating for an audience. Included with each story is a slide deck with resources so that you can bring this same work back to your classroom. Happy listening.

Episode 7: Thurgood Marshall Museum
In this seventh episode, listen to Ralph Vazquez discuss the Thurgood Marshall Museum and hear the voices of students who participated in one of the exhibitions this year
Episode 6: KQED Media Challenges at Wallenberg High
A high school English teacher at Wallenberg had 35 students share a glimpse into their lives through the KQED Youth Media challenge.
Episode 5: CCEIS at Mission High School
In this fifth episode, meet a student who has returned to Mission High School and is benefitting from the help of the Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS).
Episode 4: Digital Agency in San Francisco
Listen to this fourth episode of this podcast (first this school year), as members of the digital learning team have conversations with the youngest about the importance of Digital Agency.
Episode 3: From Machu Picchu to the Mission - Media Making at Sanchez Elementary
Listen to fourth graders at Sanchez discuss how Martin Chambi photography helped them tell the story of their daily routines.
Episode 2: Media Making at Independence High
Listen to one teacher and his students at Independence High discuss their media making adventures.
Episode 1: Digital Agency Week in SFUSD
Listen to the inaugural episode of Stories from the Digital Learning Field.
Episode 8, Part 2: Portfolios @ Lafayette
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In Episode 8, Part 2 listen to teachers and students discuss the building and showcasing of portfolios across the school community.
Episode 8, Part 1: Portfolios @ Glen Park
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In Episode 8, Part 1 listen to teachers and students discuss the building of portfolios in their classroom and across the school.
Episode 7: Marshall Museum
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In this seventh episode, listen to Ralph Vazquez discuss the Thurgood Marshall Museum and hear the voices of students who participated in one of the exhibitions this year. For more information click on the resource deck below.
Episode 6: KQED Media Challenges at Wallenberg High
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In this sixth episode, listen to three students and their teacher discuss their photo essay entries to the KQED Media Challenge. For more information click on the resource deck below.
Episode 5: CCEISS at Mission High
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In this fifth episode, meet a student who has returned to Mission High School and is benefitting from the help of the Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS). For more information click on the resource deck below.
Episode 4: Digital Agency in SFUSD
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In this fourth episode of this podcast, listen as members of the Digital Learning Team have conversations with the youngest about the importance of Digital Agency. For more information click on the resource deck below.
Stories from the Field 2022/23
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Listen to the Stories from the Digital Learning Field from last year.
Episode 3: From Machu Picchu to the Mission: Media Making at Sanchez Elementary
Listen to fourth graders at Sanchez Elementary discuss their photography project and their usage of digital tools. For more information check out this resource deck.
Episode 2: Media Making at Independence High
Listen to the students at Independence High and their teacher E. Michael Chelsky discuss their KQED Media Challenge submissions. For more information check out this resource deck.
Episode 1: Digital Agency in SFUSD
Check out the very first Story from the Field For more information check out this resource deck.
This page was last updated on September 10, 2024