Welcome to SFSD
Who We Are
Mission and Vision
SFUSD's Student and Family Services Division's two core tenets are anti-racism and authentic partnership. We acknowledge that we exist, work, and educate within a racist educational system that historically has not centered our students and our families, and our students and families of color more explicitly. Everything we do as a division works to incorporate both anti-racism and authentic partnership so that we are best able to support each and every one of our students.
SFSD Division Agreements
We keep liberation for students & families at the center of our work, with clear focus on the racialized experiences of students and families continually under-served by us and marginalized by our systems and structures. We choose to explicitly uplift the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC). We acknowledge everyone has their own story and identities [and some may not be reflected here]. Still, we believe that by centering those continually under-served by us, we inevitably lift up the voices, experiences and intersections of ALL.
- We embody Wellness, Anti Racism & Authentic Partnership in our process and decisions and work to preserve the dignity of students and families while working towards anti-racism.
- We attend to conflict in the moment by pausing and checking in - We attend to impacts before sharing intention and in racialized conflict we do not center the comfort of those in the dominant culture position.
- We honor all voices by paying attention to patterns of participation, and allow others to express themselves in ways that work for them.
- We stay engaged, managing our discomfort/resistance and to accept non-closure.
SFSD Core Tenets and Team
This page was last updated on June 14, 2023