Authentic Partnership and Anti-Racism Resources

Student and Family Services Division Core Tenets

Image of people pulling a wagon of resources to a school and an image reading "Stronger Together"


Anti-Racism & Authentic Partnership Definitions

What is Anti-Racism?

Anti-racism is the active process of naming and dismantling white supremacy culture with the end goal of equitably sharing and distributing power. It is a process that must center the progress, pain, and brilliance of people of color. It is also a process that encompasses challenging our implicit and explicit biases, and our false narratives, about all communities of color. This includes our students and our students' families. It is work that is meant to be rooted in and showcase a return to our collective humanity and dignity.

What is Partnership?

The collaboration between school staff, families, and the greater community in support of student achievement based on authentic relationships, mutual respect, and shared responsibilities. The partnership begins as soon as students, families, and our community partners walk through the door.

Anti-Racism Foundational Texts and Tools

"It can be helpful for [us] to share some common texts, facts, pieces of evidence, or articles as the basis for conversation. This is because not only do we have people with different values and opinions, but we also have different reference points. It can help to have a more productive conversation if everyone is on the same page. Even if there are differences of opinion, ideology, and identity, there is a common basis for discussion. Academic grounding is at the heart of “brave spaces,” which is ideally what we will be able to create (for our students) so we can all learn, grow, and thrive together." — Conversations Across Differences

Click below to find the Student and Family Service Division's foundational texts for 2021- 2022. ​​​​

Foundational Texts

White Supremacy Culture: Still Here (Tema Okun, May 2021)

More information forthcoming! We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom by Dr. Bettina Love

Authentic Partnership with Students and Families

Family Partnership Webpage

Visit the SFUSD Family Partnership webpage to find the SFUSD family partnership model and best practices to bring family partnership to life at your school site!

Student and Family Advisory Space

Please find general takeaways and quotes from the Student and Family Advisory space hosted by the Student and Family Services Division in the 2021 spring semester in this slide deck.

Anti-Racism and Authentic Partnership Audits

“Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced” — James Baldwin 

The Anti-Racism and Authentic Partnership Audit Process is an opportunity for folks across the Student & Family Services Division (SFSD) to learn more about various programs and processes held by SFSD staff and to interrogate them through the lenses of anti-racism and authentic partnership, with the end goal of transforming our programs and practices to truly center students and families.

In the past, we have looked at programs and processes such as Attendance, the Student Assistance Program (SAP), Student Success Teams (SSTs), Climate Teams, Restorative Practices and more. This year (SY21-22), we will look at programs prioritized by their impact on students and families, and more specifically, students and families of color. These programs might include: Low Credit/ Transfer Panel, the Expulsion & Discipline Process, Student 504 Programs, and more. 

Click through below to find resources and findings. If you have any questions, please contact our Student Family School Resource by emailing or calling 415-340-1716.

Audit Process Information and Interest Form

Phase 1 and 2 Trackers

This page was last updated on April 18, 2024