Each and every student, from the very first day of school, deserves a school experience that values them as individuals, as thinkers, and as members of rich communities. Students deserve a culture of learning where they are learning essential content while experiencing a sense of purpose and belonging. Even before your students arrive, we can begin to create this experience; by preparing the classroom environment, connecting with families, and designing lesson plans to meet students where they are and support them as they grow.

From their first moments onward, welcome and introduce students to the people of the classroom and school community, to the classroom and school environment, and to the expectations we hold about learning. Communicate what matters - each other, our communities, our thinking, our individual and collective learning - by investing time in those things through activities such as name exploration, self and family portraits, and sharing circles. Introduce and establish expectations for social behavior, the limits we will set, and the supports we will provide. Introduce routines that help students learn while taking care of each other and their environment.
Explore these questions with students: Who am I? Who am I as a learner? What does it mean to be in school? How do I fit into a class community? How do I fit into the story?
This page was last updated on May 16, 2023