Third Week and Beyond
Link to this section
Third Week and Beyond Goals (in addition to first two weeks)
As the teacher (in addition to first two weeks teacher goals)
- By end of third week have completed beginning of year assessments
- By end of third week have reached out to school support team and families to have set up any initial SSTs and IEP meetings
- Facilitates effective student collaboration in partners and small groups
- Begin to design structures (ie learning stations, independent work time) to set up, model, and manage small group instruction effectively.
Each and every student
- Is engaged in the learning of essential content throughout the day
- Gradually takes on responsibility for the thinking in the classroom
- Takes risks, reflects, and makes improvements
- Collaborates effectively
See core rubric teacher practices for more guidance
Reflection Questions
- Where can you provide opportunities for joyful learning through developmentally-appropriate play?
- What expectations, routines, behaviors, and environment will you prioritize in order for all students to be responsible for the thinking in the classroom?
- What does the culture of learning currently look like in your practice? Where are students engaged, where do they feel a sense of belonging? How do you know?
- What are the implications for your own practice? What will you do first?
What does it look like? Link to this section

Back to School Night
Back to School Night is one of the first formal opportunities to welcome and introduce families to the school community and environment and to begin to develop connections with and across families. Introduce the big goals and what to expect for their child in first grade and invite families to share their hopes and dreams. Use Back to School Night to communicate what matters - each other, our communities, our thinking, our individual and collective learning - and how families and school staff can partner to support our shared hopes and dreams.
This page was last updated on May 23, 2023