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Intelligent Change and Aaptiv make generous donations to support AmeriCorps' self care!

May 10, 2023

We’ve been learning so much about the power of gratitude and active living during this year’s self-care series! We are so thankful to Intelligent Change for supplying their amazing gratitude journals to our members and to Aaptiv for their donation of premium one-year memberships for our members!

An AmeriCorps member holding up a phone with the Aaptiv logo
AmeriCorps members with Intelligent Change journals

Self Care Training Series

April 5th, 2023

As part of the weekly professional development that we do with the Healthy Choices AmeriCorps members, we’re doing a year-long series on holistic wellness – covering everything from gratitude practices to financial wellness to sleep! Our members are incredible, but working 45 hours a week in our schools post-COVID is no joke. We’re working to help them build resiliency so that in turn they can support the youth, families, and schools that they work with!

Thank you to our donors for making this series possible: Scavenger Hunts by Let’s RoamNest BeddingFaceToryThe Tapping SolutionIntelligent ChangeOrdinary HabitShakti MatsBuddha TeaNidraHarney & Sons TeaAaptivOllyEnso, and Desktop Tranquility.

An AmeriCorps member posing with donations

This page was last updated on January 30, 2024