Parent Teacher Organization
The Francisco PTO supports parent and teacher activities at the school. The PTO is open to all parents, teachers, administrators and community members, with a focus on the students' educational needs, activities, and goals.
The goals of Francisco PTO are to (1) assist in school activities, (2) fundraise for activities, equipment, and learning materials not funded by the school district, and (3) facilitate communication between parents, teachers and students at Francisco Middle School.
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Help the 100th Anniversary of Francisco Middle School Shine!
The Francisco Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is proud to support the staff and the incredibly diverse 500+ student body that makes our future worth living!
You can make a difference by donating today to the Francisco Middle School PTO. It's especially important this year as we celebrate our centennial year.
Let's give Francisco Middle the resources they need to make this academic year an incredible memorable year for all!
This page was last updated on December 4, 2024