Who Attends Sunset's Special Day Classes? Link to this section
Sunset Elementary offers two Special Day Classes (SDC) for students with moderate to severe autism who require more than 51 percent of their day in a separate special education classroom to meaningfully benefit from instruction. Special Education teachers collaborate with general education classroom teachers and the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team to plan services and provide instruction in the least restrictive environment possible for students.
Instruction Link to this section
The primary focus of instruction is to access the common core academic standards through accommodations and/or modifications and specialized instructional strategies that meet individual student needs. Students who spend the majority of the instructional day in an SDC may also spend a portion of the day in the general education classroom, as determined by the
Individualized Education Plan team. Our staff works closely with parents as partners to ensure that students meet their learning goals.

Touring Sunset
Sunset offers in-person tours that focus on Special Day Classes. Learn more on the School Tours Page about how to join a tour or view the recording of a general session. Have any questions about the Special Day Classes not yet addressed? We'd love to help – just email tours@sunset-pta.org!
This page was last updated on October 4, 2022