Sunset STEAM Program Link to this section
The Sunset Elementary STEAM program integrates Artistic practices and Technology into the teaching of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM with an A!). Through collaborative exploration, students build the critical thinking and problem solving skills needed to stay current in the 21st century.
Design challenges, model building, coding, robotics, and more enrich the core curriculum and help students unleash their creativity. Computer literacy, digital citizenship and computational thinking are taught through interactive unplugged and plugged lessons. A makerspace allows students to freely explore material, design, tinker, build, collaborate, and showcase work while learning core curriculum concepts.
Additionally, the learning garden provides rich opportunities for students to deepen their understanding of the life and earth sciences, through hands-on activities and experiments. Life cycles, adaptations, soil, biodiversity and landforms are just a few of the topics investigated in the learning garden. The plants are maintained by the students, with the help of parents and staff, and harvesting and cooking and are a mainstay of the program.
Our school community enjoys science-oriented events, such as the Environmental Fair, which brings teachers and community-based organizations together to present hands-on activities and learning stations for students.
Parents are welcomed and encouraged to volunteer during their child’s weekly STEAM class. Please let your homeroom teacher know if you are interested.
STEAM Indoors and Outdoors Link to this section

This page was last updated on August 18, 2024