Real Options for City Kids (R.O.C.K.)
The Visitacion Valley Elementary After School Program and its diverse staff effectively serve a diverse group of kids through homework/behavior support and lesson plans revolving around science, math, art, physical activity, and social consciousness. It's three Linked-Day staff and five After School Staff work hard to support and learn from the school's teachers, taking those techniques back to the After School Program to ensure school day and after school alignment.
The ROCK Program runs onsite from 2:40 to 6:00.
R.O.C.K. Registration Forms Link to this section
English- https://forms.gle/HPshUzuqo7scftGP9

Boys and Girls Club
The Boys and Girls Club has two clubhouses -- Visitacion Valley and Sunnydale.
From Matthew Henry, the Sunnydale and Visitacion Valley Clubhouse Director:
"Our team is excited to meet you! At Vis Valley, we're proud to offer programs that fit our members' diverse interests, including academic support, literacy enrichment programs, athletic opportunities, and more. We can't wait to see you at the Club soon!"

Pacific Islander Youth Alliance (PIYA)
The PIYA program has a cultural core component where students of Pacific Island descent learn of their country’s origin and the richness of their cultures.
The program includes: Home-Work assistance & tutoring, Computer lab, Reading Circle, Samoan Language, Arts, Recreation, Singing, Snack and meal, Transportation from schools and home drop-off.
Funded by the Department of Children Youth and their Families (DCYF), SCDC has also collaborated with the SFUSD in the development and support of PIYA. The program is an all year round effort through the after-school program, Mondays to Fridays except for holidays.
This page was last updated on September 13, 2022