Enrichment Link to this section
Garden/Outdoor Education Link to this section
Did you know getting outside during the school day boosts students’ learning and health? Our School Garden is a living classroom and connects students to nature and hands-on science!
Our Garden Educator, Air, leads VVES students from K-5th grades in ecoliteracy and science lessons: the structure and life cycle of a plant, making scientific observations and drawings, and so much more. In addition, the garden classes foster in children the value of hard work and contributing to your community.
You can find our students digging, watering, pruning, or just hanging out with Air and Lizzie (our beautiful mosaic lizard bench!) during their free recess times and after school. The garden has become a beloved part of our school!
A Living Classroom
Our program is part of SEI's Climate Corps' Education Outside. "Activating interest in science during elementary school is critical, as studies suggest that children who develop interest in science at an early age tend to stay engaged in science and/or contribute to scientific discovery and innovation in their adult lives. We will spark children's interest in science and connect them to the natural world through hands-on learning in school gardens."
Beautiful Mosaic Art
Amazing local artists designed and created beautiful mosaic art for our garden. Wrapped around the amphitheater seating are mosaic images of local flora and fauna, earth and water, sun and sky, leading up to the stars in the night sky. Students helped create the tiles of little bugs, flowers, and leaves--see if you can find the ones they made!
And our gorgeous mosaic lizard bench, affectionately nicknamed "Lizzie," is a calming spot for students to lounge and relax, amongst nature and away from the hustle and bustle of the schoolyard.

Pride in Our Community
During recess, many students choose to help out in the garden, watering, digging, weeding. It's amazing to see the pride young children have in working hard to see the fruits of their labor and making their community beautiful!
Visual and Performing Arts Link to this section
Instrumental Music Teacher
Visual Arts Teacher
SF Ballet Dance in Schools and Communities (DISC) Program
SF Arts Education
Vis Valley All-Stars
Physical Education and Health and Fitness Link to this section
P.E. Specialist
Girls on the Run
First Tee Golf
Annual Celebrations - Walk and Roll to School, Field Day
Cultural Celebrations Link to this section
Lunar New Year
Black History Month
Pacific Islander Heritage
Latinx Heritage
Student Leadership Link to this section
Student Council
Fifth Grade Fundraisers
This page was last updated on October 20, 2019